D.C. Council repeals marriage license tests
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D.C. Council repeals marriage license tests

From:Rick Rosendall
Sent:Saturday, June 07, 2008 4:52 PM
Subject:GLAA Update

On May 29, GLAA sent a message to D.C. Council members urging them to support the "Safe Marriage Amendment Act of 2008," Bill 17-0533, with no amendments. This was in response to an effort by Ward 7 Councilmember Yvette Alexander to amend the bill to retain marriage license tests for syphilis, which have been repealed by every state except Mississippi, and extend the tests to include HIV. Our message to councilmembers can be found at:

We subsequently urged you to send your own messages to councilmembers. Thanks to those efforts and the efforts of our allies on the Council, Ms. Alexander appears to have reconsidered her position, because the bill passed its first reading on the consent agenda at the Council’s legislative session on Tuesday, June 3. Thanks to Councilmember Alexander and all of her colleagues for supporting this modernization of the DC Code.

Rick Rosendall
Vice President for Political Affairs
Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance

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