GLAA Distinguished Service Awards 2000

GLAA Distinguished Service Awards 2000

The following persons and organizations will receive Distinguished Service Awards from the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC at GLAA's 29th anniversary reception on April 27, 2000 at the Doyle Washington Hotel on Dupont Circle.

JEFFREY BERMAN of the Public Defender Service and STEVE BLOCK of the American Civil Liberties Union/National Capital Area are being recognized for their outstanding cooperation with GLAA in our mutual struggle against repressive and homophobic provisions of the D.C. Sexual Offenders Registration Act.

BARRETT L. BRICK is being thanked not only for his four years of service as GLAA's Treasurer but also for the leadership he has provided in a host of local, national, and international endeavors serving our community.

FOOD & FRIENDS prepares and delivers meals to persons living with HIV/AIDS in Washington, D.C. and 14 surrounding counties of Maryland and Virginia. A staff of 50 and 700 volunteers each month provide this service without charge to their clients. Last year Food & Friends delivered more than 900,000 meals. This year, they are expanding services to people with other debilitating illnesses.

DR. PATRICIA HAWKINS, Associate Director of the Whitman-Walker Clinic, is being honored for the many years of guidance she has provided on issues related to HIV/AIDS, most recently on proposals for tracking the incidence of HIV.

JESSICA XAVIER has earned a Distinguished Service Award by virtue of her pioneer leadership as both a local and a national advocate for the civil rights and human dignity of transgendered persons.

See list of past Distinguished Service Awards

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