Gary R. Feenster responds to GLAA questionnaire

Responses of Gary R. Feenster to GLAA 2000 Questionnaire
for DC Council Candidates

GLAA 2000 Rating for Gary R. Feenster (Possible range: +/- 10 points total)
Yes/No Substance Record Championship Total
1 1 0 0 2

Gary R. Feenster
City Council Candidate - Ward 7
3342 Erie Street, SE
Washington, DC 20020-1228
(202) 583-8647

August 8, 2000

Bob Summersgill
President, GLAA
P.O. Box 75265
Washington, DC 20013-5265

Dear Bob,

It is with great pleasure I return to you my responses to the 2000 Questionnaire for DC Council Candidates. You are to be commended on your efforts and tenacity in support of Gay/Lesbian issues in this metropolitan area.

While I found myself in agreement and support with many of the issues of your Agenda 2000, there are some areas in which I have reservations or disagree. Hopefully, I have explained these areas, if not please let me know. In addition, because I may disagree does not mean I will not support/advocate it.

First, keep in mind that I want to represent the people of Ward 7. By that, I which to convey, that I will support, advocate, and lobby for any cause that the majority of my Ward support regardless of my personal opinion or reservation.

Second, one of my goals as Ward 7 City Council representative, is to remove the unjust interference of Congress and the Financial Control Board. As you are aware the rights and freedoms of our city are frequently second-guessed or circumvented by Congress and/or the Control Board. We can as City Council approve legislation in the best interest of our city only to have it overthrown (overruled) by Congress. This injustice is not limited to legislation, even our freedom of expression at the polls can be nullified by an insensitive (homophobic) Congress.

So, I look forward to working with you in achieving your Agenda 2000 and I would also like to extend an open and permanent line of communication between myself and your organization throughout my tenure on the City Council.

If you have any questions concerning my responses or other matters please feel free to contact me on the above number or email me at


Gary R. Feenster
City Council Candidate - Ward 7


1. Will you vote for a budget for the new Citizen Complaint Review Board and the Office of Citizen Complaint Review large enough to prevent the development of a case backlog?

Yes. I will vote to insure the necessary funding to eliminate the current and prevent future backlogs. In addition, I will insure that all funds allocated are spent and I will support Councilman Catania proposal utilizing unspent federal funds.

2. Will you support legislation that will reverse the Council's recent enactment of a ban on moonlighting by members of the Metropolitan Police Department at bars and sexually oriented establishments?

No. I believe that MPD officers should not moonlight in establishments selling (open/consumable) alcoholic beverages to the general public. There should be zero tolerance toward drinking and driving and I sincerely believe that moonlighting in such establishment's compromise the neutrality of our officers. However, all establishments should be adequately protected by our regular MPD patrols. If known, problems exist, then adjustments should be made in staffing patrols to insure the safety of each and every patron.

3. Will you support amending recently enacted Sexual Offenders Registration Act, "Megan's Law," so that those who can prove to the court that they no longer constitute a danger to the community will not be required to register as a sex offender?

Yes. I support amending the provisions of the law to allow for court-approved removal and I also support awarding attorney fees for those who successfully win suits for being wrongfully included on the registry. In order to insure the completeness and accuracy of such registry its imperative that we hold the maintaining authority responsible.

4. Will you support the full funding and full staffing of the Metropolitan Police Department's newly created Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU) as currently proposed?

Yes (with reservation). I certainly support the funding of such unit. However, I will not want to legislate such funding. I would prefer that funding be allocated from within existing funds targeted for the Metropolitan Police Department. I would hold the Chief, responsible for funding such unit at his/her discretion, and I would monitor the unit for its effectiveness.

5. Will you demand mandatory gay male, lesbian, bisexual and transgender sensitivity and diversity training including gay and transgender community representative as a continuing part of the training for all members of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Fire/EMS Department?

Yes (With reservation). I would not legislate such training, however, I would hold each Chief responsible to insure that such training was being conducted consistently for each and every member of the department. In addition, I would monitor each program to insure that essential training is provided and not just rubber-stamped.


6. Last year, a unique identifier system for tracking the spread of HIV was approved by the Council and Mayor, rather than a names reporting system that would deter some people from being tested in the first place. Will you insist that unique identifier system be implemented without delay and fairly evaluated?

Yes. I support the unique identifier system. We must exhaust every effort in an attempt to curtail the HIV problems within our community.

7. Will you oppose Bill 13-240 which would make possession and distribution of marijuana for medical purposes a felony?

Yes. The people of the District supported this measure via Initiative 59.

8. Will you support the use of District taxpayer funds to implement a needle exchange program?

Yes. Even though Congress has consistently overruled this measure, I sincerely believe that the benefits of such program far outweigh the rumblings on Capitol Hill. As a City Council member I would help Congresswoman Norton petition support on Capitol Hill seeking the immediate release of funds and support to implement this program.

9. The Administration for HIV/AIDS (AHA) is still unable to account for its spending. Will you ask the Inspector General to audit AHA contracting.

Yes. I support the full disclosure of each and every agency using public funds. In order to insure that all funds are used properly non-compliance should invoke IG investigation.

10. Will you support earmarking funds to combat mental health problems and homelessness among sexual minority youth?

Yes. I support the expansion of all mental health programs throughout the city. I support your agenda in requiring prospective vendors to have a proven track record of working with and for this at-risk population. However, I would expand the requirement to include a probationary period for new vendors to prove the above criteria are met.


11. Will you support a temporary increase in the annual budget for the Office of Human Rights (OHR) over the next several years until its persistent 700-case backlog has been eliminated?

Yes, I support increasing the OHR budget as necessary to close the outstanding cases pending. In addition, I will support Council Member Patterson in her efforts in insuring funding and autonomy of this agency.

12. Will you support legislation that will codify OHR's former practice of giving top priority to discrimination complaints filed by people with AIDS or other major life- threatening diseases?

Yes, I will support any legislation that will prioritize cases of people with AIDs or other life threatening conditions. I will also be glad to work with GLAA in drafting such legislation.

13. DC's rate of HIV infections among teenagers is significantly higher than the national average. Will you support legislation to increase HIV prevention efforts targeted towards sexual minority youth?

Yes, I will support increasing funds to support an effective prevention campaign. I will also advocate and redirect funds to insure this expansion. I would love to see a greater share of the tobacco settlement allocated toward this effort.


14. Will you support legal recognition of marriages between partners of the same sex?

No. Unless there is a change in attitude on Capitol Hill, I cannot support such recognition. However, I will support and advocate for the full funding and implementation of the Health Care Benefit Expansion Act of 1992.

As indicated in your Agenda 2000, change is taking small steps to achieve a greater good. With a change in attitude on Capitol Hill, I think that implementation of the Domestic Partnership can is a precursor to full recognition of same sex marriages.

15. Will you agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions?

[No response.]

16. Will you support legislation in the District similar to Vermont's civil unions law?

[No response.]

17. Will you support the well-established decision by D.C. Courts, which recognize the right of unmarried couples to adopt children jointly?

Yes, I support the decisions recognized by DC Courts. I also agree that the "best interests of the child" should be first and foremost in any decision regarding adoption.


18. Will you support legislation prohibiting harassment of students in the District schools (both public and charter) on the basis of any of the protected categories enumerated in the D.C. Human Rights Law?

Yes. I will also work to amend the current legislation to include all charter schools, I agree legislation should be adopted that bans harassment of any school or public institution receiving public funds.


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