Brick presents award to Morgan McDonald

Distinguished Service Award for Morgan McDonald

Presented by former GLAA Treasurer Barrett Brick

GLAA 30th Anniversary Reception
Jurys Washington Hotel
Thursday, April 19, 2001

Both distinguished service and caring service characterize our next honoree. I first met Morgan McDonald when I moved to Washington some twenty-one years ago. Initially I knew Morgan simply as a neighbor and friend, as I spent my first three years in the District living in Brookland, near Catholic University. But I soon came to understand that, without seeking any limelight, and guided by an abiding faith, Morgan lives a life of service to the community.

There is a story in the Jewish tradition in which a man has heard that Moshiach - the Messiah - has come. "Where can Moshiach be found?" the man asks. "At the gate of the city," is the response. "How will I know which person is Moshiach?" the man asks. "Moshiach is sitting, changing the bandages of the downtrodden, one by one."

This is the sort of service that Morgan has given for years. Through his work at the Counseling Center at Catholic University, Morgan has been responsible for shepherding numerous young souls through what could be some pretty rough passages. As one former student told me, Morgan's postcards of the queens of Europe posted behind his desk gave you the impression right off the bat that you were dealing with a friendly presence, and he was a good cushion for what was, for lots of kids, a pretty frightening step. Morgan has changed many spiritual bandages, one by one. Morgan has been an unofficial mentor for countless Gay young men at Catholic University, including occasionally attending meetings of the Gay student group to lend support.

It's always nice, too, to honor a fellow sports fan, and Morgan is quite devoted to Catholic University's Cardinals basketball team. I hope, Morgan, that you appreciate the lengths GLAA went to this year to ensure that, as we honor you, the Cardinals have also won a national championship! I just wish GLAA had arranged the same for DC United last year in honoring me.

Morgan's record of service extends through the larger community as well. He has helped out with voter registration activities through the Stein Club. He has also served several terms as Secretary of GLAA. Most people, no doubt, associate Morgan's GLAA activities with the St. Patrick's Day "Cheap Beer" fundraiser he has hosted annually for over two decades. These fundraisers have raised thousands of dollars for GLAA, and have also served to introduce many of Morgan's young charges from Catholic University to GLAA and the Gay community, as many have served as staff at the fundraisers.

GLAA obviously believes in bipartisanship of all sorts, for they've asked a Jewish Republican to present an award to a Catholic Democrat. And I am proud to do so. It is my great pleasure to present GLAA's Distinguished Service Award to Morgan McDonald.

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