GLAA beginnings discussed at Rainbow History Project panel
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GLAA joins "living timeline" for Gay and Lesbian History Month 10/29/97

Rainbow History Project

GLAA timeline 1971-2001

Rainbow History panel members
Moderator Craig Howell and panel members Frank Kameny, Joel Martin, and Paul Kuntzler

GLAA beginnings discussed at Rainbow History Project panel

On April 30, 2001 at the Charles Sumner School, the Rainbow History Project presented a panel discussion entitled "Talking History: The Gay Activists Alliance/DC Organizes: 1971." Introduced by Mark Meinke of the Rainbow History Project, the panel was moderated by former GLAA President Craig Howell. Particpants in the panel were GLAA founders Frank Kameny, Paul Kuntzler, and Joel Martin. They discussed the years leading up to the founding of GAA (as it was originally known) in the aftermath of Frank Kameny's congressional campaign in 1971, and the organization's early years. They then took questions from the audience.

Thanks to the Rainbow History Project for putting together the panel, which was recorded for posterity.

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