Chief Ramsey responds to Council on anti-gay police incident
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Chief Ramsey responds to Council on anti-gay police incident

July 26, 2002

Hon. Jack Evans
Council of the District of Columbia
Washington, DC 20001

Dear Councilmember Evans:

This letter is in response to your July 25, 2002, letter concerning the recent incident at the Third District involving Officer Scott Fike and Master Patrol Officer Hiram Rosario. Although I cannot discuss the specific details of an investigation that is currently in progress, I can assure you and the GLBT community that Officer Fike's allegations are being aggressively investigated and the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken on any sustained allegations.

The Third District commander immediately initiated an investigation when Officer Fike reported Officer Rosario's conduct. I have since remanded the investigation to the Department's Office of Professional Responsibility to ensure that the investigation is both comprehensive and complete. The investigation is reviewing not only Officer Rosario's conduct, but also the conduct of the two sergeants present at the time the incident took place. Interviews with all members present at the time will be concluded shortly. I expect the investigation to be concluded, barring the possibility of a referral to the U.S. Attorney's Office for prosecution review, within the next three weeks.

I am very appreciative of your support and that of the GLBT community. Executive Assistant Chief Michael J. Fitzgerald spoke with Rick Rosendall of the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance on Thursday to discuss their concerns, and Sergeant Brett Parsons of the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit has reached out to several GLBT stakeholders, to assure them the Department is making a prompt and serious response to this incident. I will be meeting with the GLAA within the next two weeks to discuss the investigation and related issues such as the Department's diversity training program.

You stated we cannot, and I will not, tolerate this type of behavior from any member of the Metropolitan Police Department. I am directing my staff to contact your office to schedule the meeting you have requested, and look forward to discussing this and other related matters with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me on this or any other matters of mutual concern.


Charles H. Ramsey
Chief of Police

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