Jesse James Price, Sr. responds to GLAA 2004 questionnaire

Responses of Jesse James Price, Sr. to GLAA 2004 Questionnaire
for D.C. Council Candidates

GLAA 2004 Rating for Jesse James Price, Sr. (Possible range: +/- 10 points total)
(+/- 2)
(+/- 4)
(+/- 3)
(+/- 1)
(+/- 10)
0.5 0 1 0 1.5

Friday, October 08, 2004

Dear Mr. Rosendall:

I had a wonderful conversation with Craig Howell on Wednesday afternoon. He emailed me information for council candidates. As a Write In Candidate for Ward 2 Member of the Council, I am humbled to have this opportunity to dialogue with your fine organization.

The download was such that I had printed out on two pages what appeared to be a four-page document. As I sorted it out, it became clear to me that half the questions are about fiscal matters that I cannot respond to in a 24- hour time frame. I have served as vice chair of an advisory committee that monitored line-by-line the $250m budget of the DC Department of Mental Health. Such matters require careful consideration and I will not give a "knee jerk" reaction, to any budget questions.

[Partial responses pasted after questions below.]

Thank you for letting me Share,

Jesse James Price, Sr.

Public Safety

1. Will you support an annual budget for the Office of Citizen Complaint Review big enough to prevent the development of a backlog of citizen allegations of police misconduct?

2. Will you support funding for mandatory gay male, lesbian, bisexual and transgender sensitivity and diversity training including gay and transgender community representatives as a continuing part of the training for all members of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Fire/EMS Department?

Public Health & AIDS

3. Will you lobby your colleagues and Council Chairman Linda Cropp to create a new Committee on Health, split out from the current Committee on Human Services, that will be chaired by someone committed to vigorous oversight of the Department of Health?

4. The rate of HIV infections in DC is the highest in the United States, rivaling levels in sub-Saharan Africa. Problems of rampant corruption, illegal activities, and demoralized staff at the HIV/AIDS Administration (HAA) have been well documented. Yet there has not been an oversight hearing on HAA for more than a year. The previous oversight hearing was five years earlier. If elected or re-elected to the Council, will you ensure that the Council holds an annual performance oversight hearing on HAA?

5. Will you ask the D.C. Inspector General for a full audit of the HIV/AIDS Administration and its contractors?

6. The current HIV epidemiological surveillance system discourages people-especially immigrants-from getting tested by requiring both their partial Social Security Number and their country of origin. This potentially threatens their ability to stay in this country. Will you support and vote for legislation that will eliminate the partial Social Security Number from the unique identifier system?

I have been tested for my by Whitman Walker and did not give my name. I can see no reason why all demographic information cannot be voluntary or WW a subcontractor for DC HAA.

7. Only one insurance company operating in D.C. offers domestic partner coverage to small businesses that wish to offer the benefit. Will you vote in favor of legislation requiring insurance carriers to make domestic partner coverage available for small businesses that want to offer this health care benefit to their employees?

Human Rights

8. Despite significant improvements made in the operations of the Office of Human Rights (OHR) in the past several years, the OHR FY 2005 budget was not increased to hire additional investigators and other staff so that the case backlog will continue to drop. Will you support maintaining funding levels and aggressive oversight to ensure that the OHR case backlog continues to drop?

9. Will you block ceremonial resolutions and otherwise decline to honor individuals or organizations that promote any sort of bigotry, including but not limited to the Salvation Army, Assemblies of God and the Boy Scouts of America?

No resolution shall be made to bestow honor on any individual or organization that does not respect the worth and dignity of all persons.

Defending Our Families

10. Will you support legal recognition of marriages between partners of the same sex?

Questions 10, 11, 12, and 14 have some overlap. I support marriage between any two persons and the recognition of unions made outside our borders? The most effective strategy for curbing aids in Africa has been ABC---Abstinence, Be Faithful, Condoms. I add that, free abortions on demand are ... a Woman's right to choose.

11. Will you support legislation in the District to expand the domestic partner program to include all of the relevant rights and responsibilities of marriage in D.C. law?

[See answer to question 10.]

12. Will you support the legislative and/or regulatory changes necessary to ensure that the District recognizes marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships established in other jurisdictions?

[See answer to question 10.]

Public Education and Youth

13. Will you oppose both federally and locally funded voucher programs that place students in religious schools and outside the protections of the D.C. Human Rights Act?

The mandatory voucher program, repeal of our gun laws, fiscal fumbling that has two-thirds of our city workers living outside the city and sabotaging every effort to make this a progressive and liberal community for all, are the logical outgrowth of people who cannot vote in the National Legislature.

14. Will you oppose the use of either federal or District taxpayer funds to promote so-called "abstinence-only-until-marriage" sex education that undermines safer-sex programs by discouraging the use of condoms and that tells gay and lesbian students that they must be celibate forever because they may not legally marry?

[See answer to question 10.]

Modernizing the Criminal Code

15. Will you vote to repeal the use of undefined and unspecified common law crimes and to repeal the laws criminalizing verbal solicitations of legal sexual activity?

I support the decriminalization and mandatory treatment of all personal drug abuse (street and prescription). I support decriminalization, regulation taxing, healthcare and fines for the--- "sex industry". Drugs, Sex, and Money are what drive this city. Remove the profit motive from all three. And you will eliminate 95% of the crime. And we can leave our doors unlocked, sit on the porch and watch the sunset.


Your record is part of your rating. Please list any actions that you have taken that may help illustrate your record on behalf of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders.

Runner up 2004, candidate 2005 BOT All Souls a Welcoming Congregation

Supporter Parents and Friends Gays/Lesbians/Transgender-PFLAG since 96

Welcome Ward 2 stated as one of "Twelve Reasons"

Marched in two Gay Pride Week Parades including 2004


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