Kameny gives founders toast on GLAA 33rd anniversary

Founders Toast

Franklin E. Kameny

GLAA 33rd Anniversary Reception
Radisson Barcelo Hotel
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

San Francisco is almost universally viewed as our national gay utopia. But that view is erroneous. In our own quiet way, without the sensationalism which always surrounds San Francisco, Washington is our true American gay utopia.

We had a gay rights law not only long before San Francisco was able to achieve one but before almost anyone else was. We have worked successfullty to achieve equality for gay people in every aspect of our municipal functioning. Within our Metropolitan Police Department, we have a Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit which is absolutely unique in the entire nation. I could list much, much more.

While many, many people and organizations contributed to the achievement of all this, more than any one other person or group, the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance, operating with continuity since its founding exactly 33 years ago today, has been THE driving force. I was there on that founding day, and am proud to continue to be an active member.

Operating at a consistently high level, with issuances and testimony which have come to be expected to be of the highest quality and are listened to because they always are, GLAA has succeeded in placing Washington at the forefront of gay America. Politics being what it is, you don't win them all, but because GLAA does so consistently well that it is respected throughout the DC government, we have a VERY good score.

And so I offer a toast to the illustrious history of th Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington and its acomplishments and legacy, and to the expectation that that unblemished record and those accomplishents will continue for as long as they are needed.

A TOAST TO GLAA -- to a magificent past and present, and to an equally illustrious future.

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