Where D.C. Officials stand on recognizing relationships from other jurisdictions

Where D.C. Officials stand on recognizing relationships from other jurisdictions

Compiled by the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance

Councilmember Linda Cropp

Council questionnaire, 2002

14. Will you support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes, I support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions in other jurisdictions. In addition to the merits of the issue, I want and expect the laws of the District to be recognized in other jurisdictions."

Councilmember Carol Schwartz

Council questionnaire, 1996

2. Will you oppose efforts by Congress or other parties to stop the District of Columbia from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii or other places?

Answer: "Yes. Current D.C. Law accords full faith and credit to marriages contracted in all of the states. I will oppose efforts in Congress or elsewhere to force the District to deny full faith and credit to same-sex marriages recognized in any state. The case of Clarke, et al v. USA, to which I was a party, established that when Congress legislates for the District of Columbia, Congress is still bound by constitutional limitations and guidelines. I believe it would be unconstitutional for Congress to attempt to force the District to deny full faith and credit to legal marriages from any state."

Council questionnaire, 2000

15. Will you agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes. To the extent our laws will allow, we should recognize same-sex civil unions established in Vermont and elsewhere."

Councilmember Harold Brazil

Council questionnaire, 1996

2. Will you oppose efforts by Congress or other parties to stop the District of Columbia from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii or other places?

Answer: "Yes, provided the Hawaii courts uphold the Hawaiian statute."

Council questionnaire, 2000

15. Will you agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes."

Councilmember David Catania

Council questionnaire, 2002

14. Will you support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes."

Councilmember Phil Mendelson

Council questionnaire, 1996

2. Will you oppose efforts by Congress or other parties to stop the District of Columbia from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii or other places?

Answer: "Yes. I would oppose Congressional interference -- I am consistent about this with regard to all local issues. I would also oppose efforts by other parties (I assume this means local) to stop recognition of same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. The effect of such discrimination would be to segregate gays and lesbians from the rights others have under local law. We must not pick and choose the applicability of laws on the basis of sexual orientation or any other discriminatory criterion. Further, I would work with the gay and lesbian community (and any other advocates) to actively resist such discrimination and/or Congressional interference. The difference between me and other candidates is that I have an activist background, a record of strategizing with others, and a list of successes in fighting for community issues."

Council questionnaire, 2002

14. Will you support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes. Just as our law requires that we recognize marriages performed in other states, our domestic partnership regulations should recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions - to protect visitors in case of injury or illness while in DC and for other reasons."

Councilmember Jim Graham

Council questionnaire, 2002

14. Will you support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes."

Councilmember Jack Evans

Council questionnaire, 1996

2. Will you oppose efforts by Congress or other parties to stop the District of Columbia from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii or other places?

Answer: "Yes. I would oppose any effort brought forth in the District Council or by Congress not to recognize the validity of same sex marriages performed elsewhere in light of the recent passage of the grotesquely named "Defense of Marriage Act." I believe strongly in the Full Faith and Credit clause of the United States Constitution, that if the state of Hawaii would recognize a same-sex marriage in their state, I would certainly be proud to do the same."

Council questionnaire, 2000

15. Will you agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes, see response to question 16 for more details."

Councilmember Kathy Patterson

Council questionnaire, 2002

14. Will you support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes. It’s important that visitors to the District should retain the hospital visitation and medical determination rights provided by domestic partnership and civil union programs where they live – just as we would want other jurisdictions to provide that kind of recognition to our residents."

Councilmember Adrian Fenty

Council questionnaire, 2000

15. Will you agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes. I believe the District should establish civil unions and domestic partnership laws for all couples desiring recognition of the state of a specific union."

Councilmember Vincent Orange

Council questionnaire, 2002

Councilmember Sharon Ambrose

Council questionnaire, 1997 (special election for Ward 6 seat)

2. Will you oppose efforts by Congress or other parties to stop the District of Columbia from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii or other places?

Answer: "Yes. I believe that Congress does not have any right to interfere with a state's right to recognize same-sex marriage."

Council questionnaire, 2002

14. Will you support amending the domestic partnership regulations to recognize domestic partnerships and civil unions established in other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes. It is easy to understand how our law could be beneficial to partners registered in other jurisdictions. A partner could be injured while visiting or working in the District, and such benefits as hospital visitation could be of critical importance. I believe the District should extend its full faith and credit to other partnerships."

Councilmember Kevin Chavous

Council questionnaire, 2000

Councilmember Sandy Allen

Council questionnaire, 1996

2. Will you oppose efforts by Congress or other parties to stop the District of Columbia from recognizing same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii or other places?

Answer: "It is inappropriate for Congress to prohibit benefits deemed appropriate by local governments."

Council questionnaire, 2000

15. Will you agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions?

Answer: "Yes, I agree that the District should recognize the same-sex civil unions established in Vermont or other jurisdictions. Because of the changing economics within the District as it relates to attraction and retention of new residents, we can't afford not to recognize same-sex civil unions from other jurisdictions."

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