GLAA comments on draft Health Learning Standards
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GLAA comments on draft Health Learning Standards

Fighting for Equal Rights Since 1971
P. O. Box 75265
Washington, D.C. 20013
(202) 667-5139

August 2, 2007

Ms. Michelle Rhee, Chancellor
District of Columbia Public Schools
825 N. Capitol St, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Dear Chancellor Rhee:

We are writing to commend you and the D.C. Public Schools for your draft “Health Learning Standards” dated July 2, 2007, and specifically for their inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identification as part of what the introduction calls “the knowledge and skills that students need to maintain and improve their health and wellness, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors.”

For detailed recommendations, we commend you to the submission from the DC Healthy Youth Coalition, an alliance of numerous groups such as Whitman-Walker Clinic, Metro Teen AIDS, and the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, who have extensive experience with youth health issues. We would like to suggest some general considerations to keep in mind in developing and implementing a curriculum based on the standards:

In general, we agree with Jeremy Ogusky, deputy director of Metro Teen AIDS, who praised the draft standards for being well written and based in comprehensive sex education. As always, how the standards are put into practice will be crucial, but you have made a good beginning. Thank you for your attention, and best of luck.


Barrett L. Brick

Cc: Hilda L. Ortiz, Chief Academic Officer
Gloria L. Benjamin, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Barbara Rockwood, Executive Director of Athletics, Health/Physical Education
Deborah Gist, DC State Superintendent of Education
Christopher Dyer

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