February 2016

Boxer Manny Pacquiao offers flimsy apology after anti-gay remarks

Boxer Manny Pacquiao offers flimsy apology after awful anti-gay remarks https://t.co/AxKMyqN9CN — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) February 16, 2016

On Jeb’s gun pic

America. pic.twitter.com/TeduJkwQF3 — Jeb Bush (@JebBush) February 16, 2016 My concerned, loving response: @JebBush Please don't shoot yourself. Quit this race you plainly do not want, and take a relaxing…

Obama: Trump Will Not Be President

Obama: Trump Will Not Be President (Video) https://t.co/AWTptUnxTq #p2 #DEM #GOP #tlot #tcot pic.twitter.com/Wn5AF1tOOS — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 16, 2016

Setback: South Dakota's anti-trans bill has passed the State Senate

SETBACK: South Dakota's anti #trans bill has passed the State Senate. https://t.co/SQIoPwBybo pic.twitter.com/sRUWb55SKJ — Trans Equality (@TransEquality) February 16, 2016

"Boycott Beyoncé" rally was a bust after haters failed to get in formation

"Boycott Beyoncé" rally was a bust after haters failed to get in formation https://t.co/OL3C4jqwpv pic.twitter.com/EhfMsZhLHo — Vox (@voxdotcom) February 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton's emotional call on Democrats to take systemic racism seriously

Watch: Hillary Clinton's emotional call on Democrats to take systemic racism seriously https://t.co/6naLPalutr pic.twitter.com/MC4V52xAIN — Vox (@voxdotcom) February 16, 2016

Marco Rubio Doubles Down With New Plan To Take Away LGBT Rights

Marco Rubio Doubles Down With New Plan To Take Away #LGBT Rights https://t.co/RAaLVyqmO2 #p2 #gay #noh8 #DEM #GOP pic.twitter.com/qsgrzejuCi — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 15, 2016 If this man…

Heads Of The Catholic And Russian Orthodox Churches Use Historic Meeting To Bash Gays

Heads Of The Catholic And Russian Orthodox Churches Use Historic Meeting To Bash Gays https://t.co/iAUrjdN4xw #lgbt #gay #noh8 #DEM #GOP — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 15, 2016 What a…

Peru police break up peaceful gay kiss protest with water cannons

Peru police break up peaceful gay kiss protest with water cannons https://t.co/EtbPKRQ9Yf #LGBTI pic.twitter.com/drNy4Kqbhg — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 15, 2016 A suspiciously phallic response by police.

The GOP’s bogus ‘Three-Fourths Rule’

(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Photo) It is below freezing and snowing on this President’s Day in Washington. So I ground some beans from my stash of Java House Blend, and am…