February 2016

Members of Congress take stand against gay conversion therapy

Members of Congress take stand against gay conversion therapy https://t.co/4vYripYqrR — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) February 11, 2016

Scientists detect gravitational waves predicted by Einstein

Watch how scientists directly detected gravitational waves for the first time https://t.co/GjU2IkC5pX pic.twitter.com/psczbChnMQ — NYT Graphics (@nytgraphics) February 11, 2016

Catholic Church staying out of fight to ban gay conversion therapy in New York state

#Catholic Church staying out of fight to ban #gay conversion therapy in #NewYork State https://t.co/i2SAfAQrLC #LGBT pic.twitter.com/sAfXXZSW4h — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 12, 2016

Bernie Sanders launches gay-inclusive campaign ad

Watch: Bernie Sanders launches gay-inclusive campaign ad https://t.co/9GHoJcpHOv #LGBTI #US pic.twitter.com/DiBXWEP82p — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 12, 2016

Ted Cruz pulls ad after star is revealed to have appeared in lesbian porn films

Ted Cruz pulls ad after star is revealed to have appeared in lesbian porn films https://t.co/lsGdluCZuc #LGBTI pic.twitter.com/e7iBclU8j7 — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 12, 2016 The Goddess has a…

Drew Lewis, former U.S. transportation secretary, dies at 84

(Transportation Sec. Drew Lewis, upper right, with President Reagan and Attorney General William French Smith in 1981. Associated Press) Philly.com Reports. I was in college and Gerald Ford was president…

Rijksmuseum flashmob

The most stunning flash mob I’ve ever seen: The Rijksmuseum stages a recreation of Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” (the nation’s artistic pride, the culmination of the museum tour right after the…

Catholic Bishops Not Obliged to Report Clerical Child Abuse, Vatican Says

Outrageous. "Catholic Bishops Not Obliged to Report Clerical Child Abuse, Vatican Says" https://t.co/z620L5txcW @Pontifex Where is reform? — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) February 12, 2016

Madam President: Hillary the Sacred Feminine

Here's why this queer Radical Faerie is supporting Hillary (via @AEB2010) https://t.co/zmyEX13I3f? — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) February 10, 2016 Interesting perspective. Excerpt on Hillary: Hillary’s record as First Lady, alone, tells…

Results, not revolution

My latest Blade column takes a historical view of how public policy is changed. We must honor the struggle, not avoid the work by indulging in magical thinking. Here’s an…