February 2016

SD Bill Banning Trans Students From Playing Sports In Accordance With Their Gender Identity Passes

Bill Banning #Trans Students From Playing Sports In Accordance With Their Gender Identity Passes https://t.co/5TcfyLEhO0 #p2 #lgbt #DEM #GOP — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 9, 2016 More exploitation of…

Anti-Gay Parents Tell TN School Board Gay-Straight Alliance Will Be Used To 'Recruit' Children

Anti-Gay Parents Tell #TN School Board #Gay-Straight Alliance Will Be Used To 'Recruit' Children https://t.co/1bbMYuKZpp #kids #education — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 9, 2016

LGBTIs and Christian hate: Welby and the Anglican Church need to pick a side

LGBTIs and Christian hate: Welby and the Anglican Church need to pick a side https://t.co/diyRjFY6io pic.twitter.com/ZqxDMOQkKO — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 9, 2016 I couldn’t agree more. There is…

In unprecedented move, Republicans decline to hear president's budget

In unprecedented move, Republicans decline to hear president's budget: https://t.co/QPrXhkMJTy (Pic: Reuters) pic.twitter.com/hDz5jwsEJG — MSNBC (@MSNBC) February 9, 2016 Dear Rep. Price and Sen. Enzi: your names will go down…

#LGBTWelcoming at White House

Activist Scout writes: Love collecting examples of when people are LGBT welcoming and the White House just gave us a doozie in prep for tomorrow’s trans meeting.

Sophisticated Trump

Donald Trump with an upper-class British accent. More on this from Jeff Guo at WaPo.

Beyoncé gets political with “Formation”

Lots of buzz about this one. Vox story below. Beyoncé didn’t just steal the Super Bowl halftime show. She made it a political act. https://t.co/E6qERWFSfi pic.twitter.com/hWB3qEEh8a — Vox (@voxdotcom) February…

Lady Gaga sings national anthem at Super Bowl 50

The latest entry in an annual ritual.

“Lost in the Stars” comes to Washington National Opera

On Sunday evening I watched the tech rehearsal of the first act of Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson’s “Lost in the Stars,” based on Alan Paton’s “Cry, the Beloved Country.”…

Sanders slams sexist ‘Bernie bro’ supporters

Sanders slams sexist ‘Bernie bro’ supporters: ‘I don’t want that crap, I don’t want them’ https://t.co/qwdyOdi6Xb pic.twitter.com/YE83z6WNXk — Raw Story (@RawStory) February 7, 2016 Bernie Sanders’s decency shines through once…