April 2016

New study shows how to shift anti-transgender attitudes

How to shift anti-transgender attitudes https://t.co/g5ls4FJTFR #LGBT pic.twitter.com/SRXrppYaug — Scientific American (@sciam) April 7, 2016 Our old friend Bob Roehr reports in Scientific American on a new study published in…

Tennessee to allow therapists to discriminate against LGBT clients

Tennessee to allow therapists to discriminate against LGBT clients https://t.co/oH8l66Zw5X #HB1840 #HB2 #Tennessee pic.twitter.com/M2hBB7DTcP — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) April 7, 2016

France abandons plan to have a gay diplomat in Vatican City

France abandons plan to have a gay diplomat in Vatican City https://t.co/YgqI7V5ZPW pic.twitter.com/D8dTpCmBJi — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) April 7, 2016 The Vatican’s behavior in this matter has been despicable,…

Appeals Court Rules Puerto Rico Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

Appeals Court Rules Puerto Rico Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional, Decimates Lower Court Ruling https://t.co/iU0GlUTMXb #lgbt #gay — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) April 7, 2016 This should have been obvious after…

Avoid these election-year mistakes

@WashBlade "Election-Year Mistakes: A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the Court." #lgbt https://t.co/AvSulrbJRn pic.twitter.com/61guOHgqUW — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) April 7, 2016

D.C. Council passes LGBT suicide prevention bill for schools

D.C. Council passes LGBT suicide prevention bill for schools @WashBlade https://t.co/q0oEIWmF7f pic.twitter.com/RosQlnvWrO — DCHomos (@DCHomos) April 7, 2016

Grosso introduces Government Travel and Human Rights Act of 2016

This bill prohibits DC govt travel to states with laws in effect that affirmatively sanction or require discrimination against LGBT people — David Grosso (@cmdgrosso) April 5, 2016 Thanks to…

Unpacking the gay subtext of Robin, the Boy Wonder

Look, yes, Batman and Robin sleep together. A history of Dick ’n’ Bruce: https://t.co/sPIXR8LlgG pic.twitter.com/3SY2A8XO0n — Slate (@Slate) April 5, 2016 Glen Weldon at Slate does some unpacking. Very amusing.

Cristiano Ronaldo is now a target of gay bashing chants from fans

Cristiano Ronaldo is now a target of gay bashing chants from fans https://t.co/bmEZM8sVNB #LGBTI pic.twitter.com/A8WabNmdZj — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) April 5, 2016 Jealousy is an ugly thing.

Honey Maid features gay couple in its ‘This is Wholesome’ advert

Honey Maid features gay couple in its ‘This is Wholesome’ advert https://t.co/OuN5iCcvqQ #LGBTIbiz pic.twitter.com/ZUWM4qQTil — Gay Star Business (@GayStarBusiness) April 5, 2016