July 2016

Answering Trump Supporters

Wayne Grudem, a Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary in Arizona, writes at the conservative website Townhall.com about why he supports Donald Trump. His article, “Why…

Houston Chronicle has seen enough, endorses Clinton

Chronicle opinion: Why editorial board chooses Clinton over Trump https://t.co/ZCZt1M2H9Z — Houston Chronicle (@HoustonChron) July 30, 2016 Imagine Texas going blue.

Meet Tyler Clinton

#HillaryClinton's hot nephew breaks the Internet: https://t.co/wYQsLYeO4I #GSNLOVES #TylerClinton pic.twitter.com/qhB1LDPHpG — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) July 30, 2016 Some gratuitous beefcake for a Sunday afternoon.

John Oliver on Trump’s false equation of feelings with facts

John Oliver takes on the belief by Trump and his minions that they can create feelings, and feelings are equal to facts. He doesn’t mention it, but this recalls Nazi…

What was it with the California delegation?

Meanwhile in the California delegation, "Hillary" signs being changed to "Liar." #DNCinPHL pic.twitter.com/MtIepm68CK — Brad Mielke (@TheBradMielke) July 29, 2016 There are activists, then there are grievance collectors. With the…

Cleveland cancels Pride amid safety concerns

Cleveland cancels Pride amid safety concerns https://t.co/kKqFXD9Lrg — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) July 29, 2016

Federal Appeals Court Overturns NC Voter ID Law

Breaking: Citing 'Discriminatory Intent' Federal Appeals Court Overturns NC Voter ID Law https://t.co/VW84vf0IS0 pic.twitter.com/BlZYMvHZB9 — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) July 29, 2016 Big news. At this point, the Republicans seem…

Jill Stein, anti-vaxxer

Jill Stein: People Have 'Real Questions' About Vaccines and 'Do Not Trust' CDC https://t.co/9zvATqUUON #science pic.twitter.com/xVRSEpGw6t — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) July 29, 2016 Disturbing. These days it can be…

Khizr Khan at DNC 2016 slams Trump’s Islamophobia

A powerful rebuke of Donald Trump’s Islamophobia by the father of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who died in service to this country.

Reverend William Barber shakes the rafters at Democratic Convention

Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP and leader of the Moral Mondays movement, gave a powerful speech Thursday evening at the Democratic National Convention. He is a…