Here is a portion of Blade editor Kevin Naff’s editorial on Donald Trump:
The fact that Clinton isn’t leading him by 50 points says a lot about her own candidacy and the state of the American electorate. A Washington Post/ABC News poll last month showed that 59 percent of likely voters don’t believe Clinton is honest or trustworthy, and that’s down since January. Of course there are sexist double standards at work. (Imagine if Hillary showed up to her campaign rallies wearing a cheesy baseball cap, shouting at and berating her audiences.) With all of Trump’s self-inflicted wounds, Clinton should be destroying him in the polls.
No presidential candidate in American history has ever won by a thirty point margin, much less fifty points. Hillary’s negatives are largely the result of a quarter-century campaign of GOP smears abetted by the media with its distorting obsession with “balance,” as well as sexist double standards that are as blatant as they are vociferously denied by those employing them.
With all of that, and the political divisions in the country, it is no surprise that this race is so close despite pitting a staggeringly ignorant and reckless demagogue against a highly experienced, moderate, and level-headed stateswoman whom PolitiFact has rated the most honest politician other than President Obama. I have my differences with Hillary, but they pale in comparison with my horror at the prospect of a President Trump. Just think of the Supreme Court nominees we would get from each candidate. Then look at Trump’s strange fondness for dictators and casualness regarding the use of nuclear weapons and torture.
We know far more about Hillary Clinton, while Trump refuses to release his tax returns. Trump’s hypocrisy is incredible, as evidenced by his railing against the export of American jobs after doing just that with the manufacture of his line of clothing. He is a grifter and a con man, as Kevin suggests. He is far outclassed by Secretary Clinton. His relentless appeals to white nationalists alone should disqualify him. It is now two months before the election. Anyone who cares about the survival of our republic should get serious and support Hillary Clinton.