October 2016

Health Committee sends Death with Dignity Act to full D.C. Council

(Photo by Rick Rosendall) The D.C. Council Committee on Health and Human Services held a markup of Bill 21-38, the Death with Dignity Act, on Wednesday, October 5 at 2…

Six Trump statements that Pence tried to tweak, massage or erase

Here are six @realDonaldTrump statements that @mike_pence attempted to tweak, massage or erase all together: https://t.co/92wkZ6hw80 pic.twitter.com/hhQzvMx4ww — POLITICO (@politico) October 5, 2016 My main impression from the VP debate…

Trump’s Lounge Act Grows Stale

Now @WashBlade – Trump’s Lounge Act Grows Stale. #Election2016 https://t.co/ofAQUCYmfe pic.twitter.com/PWQ5nnHJTF — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) October 5, 2016 From my column this week: Seasons and audiences change. The trash talk…