Jimmy Kimmel, unlikely healthcare leader

Late night talk show host, comedian Jimmy Kimmel, is demonstrating this week that comedians are a lot smarter than a lot of politicians. For three nights running he has blended his smarts and his wit in slaying Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy, co-author of the worst Republican “healthcare” bill yet.

Our friend Ernest Hopkins of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, who has considerable expertise on healthcare policy, writes of Kimmel:

Clearly THE most effective advocate against Cassidy/Graham with the President. All those damned lies are being called out on late night TV, the last thing middle America watches before going to bed. The Republicans are going to be sorry either way it goes. They will pay a heavy price.

A short while ago, Sen. John McCain announced he will oppose Graham-Cassidy. Thank you, Senator.

Another friend who works on the Hill writes:

McCain, Paul, Collins and most probably Murkowski will ensure this thing is DEAD ON ARRIVAL!

From his lips to what Donald Glover called the Great Algorithm’s ears. But we are not yet done. You can reach your senators via the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202)224-3121.



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