Expansion approved for MPD Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit
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Expansion approved for MPD Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit

From: Brett Parson
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: GLLU Update - We're Growing!


Its official! The GLLU will be increasing its staff. After meeting with Executive Assistant Chief of Police Michael Fitzgerald, the GLLU has received approval for the following staffing:

  1. 2 Additional Career Police Officers (full time);
  2. 4 Reserve Police Officers (part time);
  3. exploration of a Civilian position (to be funded by a grant), and;
  4. the designation of a GLLU contact at all MPDC elements.

With this increased staffing the GLLU will be able to expand its service to the community. Once staffing is completed, members will be assigned to geographic areas throughout the city. Each team (1 career officer and 1 reserve officer) will be responsible for the day-to-day liaison work in that area.

Also, the Chief has agreed to send a letter to area law enforcement agencies (DC, MD and VA), which seeks to designate a GLLU contact in those jurisdictions. It is hoped that other area chiefs will create GLLU's. At the very least, it will provide a point-of-contact for the GLLU in other jurisdictions.

In an effort to continue the GLLU's partnership with the GLBT community, the selection process will include an interview with members of a GLLU Selection Committee, to be chaired by me. After interviewing the candidates, the committee will evaluate the applicants and make recommendations.

Here is what the GLLU needs from the GLBT community:

Encourage your MPDC friends and acquaintances to apply for the 2 vacancies for career officers (the more diversity the better); Encourage your MPDC friends to become Reserve Police Officers. Current Reserve Officers should be encouraged to volunteer for the 4 positions with GLLU; Look for information regarding the upcoming civilian position and encourage qualified applicants to apply; Contact your MPDC District Commander and recommend a GLLU contact for your district; (for non-DC residents) Contact your local Chief of Police or elected official and encourage them to appoint a contact/liaison to the GLLU; and, Serve on the GLLU Selection Committee.

Anyone interested in serving on the Selection Committee, or having information regarding prospective members of the GLLU, should contact me at gayliaisondc@hotmail.com.

Thanks for your support of the GLLU in 2002. The year 2003 is looking very bright!

Brett A. Parson
Metropolitan Police Department- Washington, D.C.
Operations Command - Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU)
GLLU WEBSITE: www.gaydc.net/gllu
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