Cheh thanks PEPCO for adopting domestic partner benefits
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Cheh thanks PEPCO for adopting domestic partner benefits

March 15, 2007

Mr. Thomas H. Graham
President, PEPCO Region
Pepco Holdings, Inc.
701 9th Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20068

Dear Mr. Graham:

Thank you for your March 14, 2007 response to my letter of February 23, 2007, in which I urged Pepco to provide health insurance benefits so that domestic partners have the same benefits that married couples receive. I take great heart in reading that beginning July 1, Pepco Holdings, Inc. will provide domestic partner benefits to all active employees.

As you recall, this issue came to my attention during a February 26 performance oversight hearing of the Committee on Public Services and Consumer Affairs, which I chair. In his testimony, Craig Howell of the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA) criticized Pepco for failing to provide equivalent benefits to employees in domestic partnerships. As you know, I feel very strongly that private corporations such as Pepco should treat all employees equally, and this includes equal benefits in domestic partnerships.

I am very pleased that Pepco’s decision will reverberate beyond the District. As your letter points out, Pepco Holdings, Inc. also operates in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Virginia. This is a fundamentally important change that will pave the way for thousands of PHI employees throughout the mid-Atlantic region to have equal benefits for medical care, prescription drugs, and mental, dental, and vision treatment.

This is a dramatic and progressive step and I applaud Pepco for moving toward equal treatment of all its employees. If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 202-724-8062.


Mary M. Cheh
Councilmember, Ward 3
Chairperson, Committee on Public Services and Consumer Affairs

cc: Mr. Craig Howell, GLAA
Mr. Vincent B. Orange, Pepco
Councilmember Marion Barry, Ward 8
Councilmember Kwame Brown, At-Large
Councilmember Jim Graham, Ward 1
Councilmember Tommy Wells, Ward 6

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