Patrick Mara responds to GLAA 2008 D.C. Council questionnaire

Responses of Patrick Mara to GLAA 2008 Questionnaire
for DC Council Candidates

GLAA 2008 Rating for Patrick Mara (Possible range: +/- 10 points total)
Yes/No Substance Record Championship Total
1.5 0.5 0 0 2


1. Will you support funding for mandatory gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) sensitivity and diversity training for all members of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department?

Yes. Providing a quality work environment is very important, especially in our public services such as MPD and Fire/EMS. It is important to not only train new employees, but also department veterans as well.

2. Will you support a budget for the Office of Police Complaints large enough to continue to avoid developing a backlog of cases?

Yes. This is an important part of fostering a culture and environment of open-mindedness within MPD. Citizens’ complaints must acted upon swiftly and appropriately.

3. Given MPD's controversial Neighborhood Safety Zone initiative (which set up checkpoints and barricades in the Trinidad neighborhood) and Safe Homes initiative (to knock on doors and ask to conduct warrantless gun searches), will you support efforts to rein in police officials who respond to legitimate crime concerns with short-term fixes and public relations gestures that infringe upon Fourth Amendment and other constitutionally protected civil liberties?

This Summer’s crime spike in neighborhoods such as Trinidad are a troubling trend and a cause for concern for all District residents. I also applaud MPD’s efforts in reducing violent crime over the past several years. However, traditional efforts were not working to curb spikes of violent crime this summer. Drastic measures were taken. In reality a very small percentage of cars were turned away at checkpoints but the reduction in crime was clear. I believe that actions taken this summer by MPD were warranted, though, certainly, they should not become standard policy. We should avoid using invasive techniques such as roadblocks whenever possible. That is why I support innovative techniques and technology with a proven track record. As a member of the Council I would advocate for expanded use of ShotSpotter and crime cameras in high-crime areas. I would also work to modify the “Zero Tolerance” policy used to great effect in N.Y. City, and bring it to the District.

4. Given that the Department of Corrections continues to violate the D.C. Human Rights Act by using genitalia as a basis for gender identification rather than an individual’s gender identity or expression, will you support the Council directly adopting a rulemaking to make it unmistakably clear that DOC must stop discriminating against transgender inmates and detainees?

Yes. The District has strong anti-discrimination laws, but it is important that District agencies (including the Department of Corrections) meet the requirements of the law rather than simply citing their own shortcomings. Greater accountability is needed to ensure the intent of the Human Rights Act is realized.


5. Do you agree that the drive to make HIV testing routine among District residents should include funding for counseling and referrals to treatment facilities for those testing positive?

Yes. Existing programs breakdown between testing and treatment. There needs to be a clear referral process so that those diagnosed with HIV can access programs designed and funded for them.

6. Are you committed to continuing and expanding the District’s condom distribution program to include water-based lubricant and improved tracking of their distribution to specified locations?

Yes. I believe that if we are going to fund the program we need to be fiscally responsible and track distribution to ensure that condoms actually reach the intended recipients.

7. The District has been forced by the federal government to switch from a unique identifier system to a names reporting system for people testing positive for HIV. Will you support legislation to strengthen our medical privacy laws, such as by creating a private right of action for those whose confidentiality is violated by District government employees or contractors?

Yes. Medical privacy will continue to grow as an important issue. Those suffering from HIV/ Aids already undergo tremendous amounts of stress. The last thing that they need to worry about is their legal medical privacy being violated.


8. Will you support a budget for the Office of Human Rights large enough to allow it to keep the discrimination complaint backlog at or below 70 cases and keep at or below 210 days the average time it takes after the filing of a complaint to issue a finding of probable cause?

Yes. I will do everything in my power to ensure that the OHR is as efficient and fiscally responsible as possible. These complaints deserve to be resolved in a timely fashion.

9. Will you block ceremonial resolutions and otherwise decline to honor individuals or organizations that promote any sort of bigotry?

Yes. While I fully recognize the rights of these groups to exist, a Council resolution is a powerful gesture and should not be earned by those that promote any sort of bigotry.

10. Are you committed to publicizing and enforcing the provisions of the D.C. Human Rights Act forbidding discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression?

Yes. The D.C. Human Rights Act is an important piece of legislation about which citizens need to be thoroughly educated. All relevant agencies should be held accountable for enforcing the provisions of the act.

11. Do you agree that the Director of the Office of Human Rights should be required to have professional training and experience in civil rights law enforcement?

Yes. In order to effectively perform the duties as Director of the Office of Human Rights it would be very beneficial to have experience in civil rights law enforcement.


12. Do you support legal recognition of marriages between partners of the same sex?

Yes. I unequivocally support same-sex marriage. True equality for the GLBT community will only be realized when same-sex marriages are legalized in the District.

13. Will you support the legislative and/or regulatory changes necessary to ensure that the District recognizes marriages legally established in other jurisdictions?

Yes. I will do everything in my power to see that those unions are given full benefits in the District. However, we need to be prudent in pursuing these actions. Congress can be zealous in its actions involving the District, and so any initiative should be strategic so that it does not provoke a legislative backlash.

14. Do you agree that private contractors doing business with the District should be required to provide domestic partner benefits including health insurance?

Yes. Providing equal benefits is an important step in moving the District towards true equality for the GLBT community.


15. Do you oppose both federal and local voucher programs that fund students in religious schools that are beyond the protections of the D.C. Human Rights Act?

No. While I see the legitimate concerns with providing vouchers to religious schools, they make up only a portion of the program. Furthermore these schools often involve religion in a very limited capacity in the classroom. Voucher programs are a crucial part of school reform in the District. They provide many children with access to far better education than they would typically receive.

16. Will you oppose the use of either federal or District taxpayer funds to promote “abstinence only until marriage” sex education that undermines safer-sex programs by discouraging the use of condoms and that effectively tells gay and lesbian students that they must remain celibate forever because they may not legally marry?

Yes. Sex education should be designed to inform students so that they can make the best decisions possible. Educational programs should present the facts and allow students to make their own decisions based on those facts.


17. Do you support the right of adults in the District to choose adult-oriented entertainment for themselves, and the right of appropriately licensed and zoned businesses to provide it?

I understand the importance of this issue and I look forward to better educating myself about it. This is the type of issue that must be addressed by bringing together activists, local government, citizens, and business owners so that they may come to a reasonable compromise.

18. Will you support legislation to curb abuses by NIMBYs who are now allowed to file an endless series of baseless complaints to harass or extort bars and restaurants?

Yes. I strongly support creating a vibrant business climate – and will certainly look for ways to ensure residents are not able to file endless and baseless complains to extort bars and restaurants.

19. What are your thoughts regarding GLAA’s proposal, as explained in Agenda: 2008, to mitigate the problems associated with prostitution by legalizing, regulating, zoning and taxing it?

No, at this juncture I do not support legalizing prostitution.

Please provide the URL for your campaign website, if you have one. We will include it on our candidate links page.

Your record is part of your rating. Please list any actions that you have taken that may help illustrate your record on behalf of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders.


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