Richard Rosendall

Joan Rivers' daughter donates mom's rainbow coat to raise money for LGBTI cause

Joan Rivers' daughter donates mom's rainbow coat to raise money for LGBTI cause — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 3, 2016

Obama’s last White House Correspondents’ Dinner ends with the n-word

Obama’s last White House Correspondents’ Dinner ends with the n-word #LGBTI — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 4, 2016 I watched on C-SPAN. Wilmore certainly didn’t care whom…

Fair Play: how LGBT athletes are claiming their rightful place in sports

Excited to launch my new book #FairPlay at @BookSoup June 14 – Please join us! @AkashicBooks — Cyd Zeigler (@CydZeigler) May 4, 2016

U.S. warns North Carolina that its transgender bathroom bill violates civil rights laws

U.S. warns North Carolina that its transgender bathroom bill violates civil rights laws — The New York Times (@nytimes) May 4, 2016

Powder Rooms of the Patriarchy

@WashBlade "Powder Rooms of the Patriarchy" #lgbt #FlushDiscrimination #ImWithHer — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) May 4, 2016 My column for this week.

St. Petersburg parade allows Neo-Nazis to march while gay people are arrested, dragged and beaten

St Petersburg parade allows Neo-Nazis to march while gay people are arrested, dragged and beaten — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 3, 2016

The White House is poised to create the first national monument to recognize struggle for gay rights

The White House is poised to create the first national monument to recognize struggle for gay rights — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 3, 2016

Confessions of a Republican 1964: ‘This man scares me’

Here is the 1964 LBJ campaign ad featuring actor William Bogert, a Republican, expressing his concerns about the extremism of Barry Goldwater. Rachel Maddow had Bogert, now 80, on her…

Sullivan: America has never been so ripe for tyranny—and that's what is scariest about Trump

America has never been so ripe for tyranny—and that's what is scariest about Trump: — New York Magazine (@NYMag) May 2, 2016 Andrew Sullivan has a brilliant essay…

Colombia legalizes same-sex marriage

Colombia legalizes same-sex marriage — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) April 29, 2016