Current Affairs

Attack of the Closeted Church Queens

"Attack of the Closeted Church Queens" By @OfficialSampson — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) August 22, 2016 Preach, Sampson!

Charles Blow slams Trump’s diversity director for helping a bigot

Charles M. Blow is on target as usual.

Wikileaks outs gay Saudi, two rape victims

Wikileaks outs gay Saudi, two rape victims — AMERICAblog LGBT (@AMERICAblogGay) August 23, 2016 Why is Julian Assange doing this?

Texas AG Ken Paxton Finally Agrees to Meet One of His Young Transgender Victims

Texas AG Ken Paxton Finally Agrees to Meet One of His Young Transgender Victims #p2 #lgbt — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) August 23, 2016

Olympian Feyisa Lilesa stood up to Ethopia's violence & became a hero

Olympian Feyisa Lilesa stood up to Ethopia's violence & became a hero @TylerRickyTynes — Outsports (@outsports) August 23, 2016 Olympic silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa cannot safely return to…

New lawsuit seeks to overturn pro-trans rule in Obamacre

New lawsuit seeks to overturn pro-trans rule in Obamacre — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) August 23, 2016

‘He’s an idiot’: Watch black voters react to Trump’s ‘What do you have to lose?’ pitch

‘He’s an idiot’: Watch black voters react to Trump’s ‘What do you have to lose?’ pitch — Raw Story (@RawStory) August 23, 2016

Colbert mocks Trump’s black outreach: You’re already on fire so shoot yourself in the head

Colbert mocks Trump’s black outreach: You’re already on fire so shoot yourself in the head — Raw Story (@RawStory) August 23, 2016

Trump staffers busted for posting racist memes and calling for violence against minorities

Trump staffers busted for posting racist memes and calling for violence against minorities — Raw Story (@RawStory) August 23, 2016 Our friend Ernest Hopkins comments: Wow, as if…

A look inside Marco Rubio's desperate fake support for queer rights

A look inside Marco Rubio's desperate fake support for queer rights ➡️ by @MSignorile — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) August 17, 2016