Current Affairs

The laid-off journo who caught Melania’s plagiarism

The laid-off journalist first to call Melania Trump's speech plagiarism used to be a Tampa Bay reporter: @TB_Times — Sara DiNatale (@sara_dinatale) July 19, 2016 Bravo to Jarrett Hill,…

Look at the company gay Republicans are keeping

Milo Yiannopoulos and speakers at "Gays for Trump" party urged LGBT people to denounce ‘radical Islam’ #BladeRNC — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) July 20, 2016 Pamela Geller? Geert Wilders? Fine…

Kirchick: If Trump wins, a coup isn't impossible here in the U.S.

If Trump wins, a coup isn't impossible here in the U.S. via @latimesopinion — Los Angeles Times (@latimes) July 20, 2016 I am appalled to say this, but…

"Survey Shows How the Trans 'Bathroom Predator' Myth Hurts Real People"

"Survey Shows How the #Trans 'Bathroom Predator' Myth Hurts Real People" — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) July 13, 2016

Cleveland OKs pro-trans resolution in week before GOP convention

Cleveland OKs pro-trans resolution in week before GOP convention — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) July 14, 2016

Gay black man found hanging from a tree in Alabama

Gay black man found hanging from a tree in Alabama — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) July 14, 2016 May this young man rest in peace, and may his…

Commentary: Racially biased policing poisons America

My latest @WashBlade – Racially biased policing poisons America. #BlackLivesMatter @deray — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) July 12, 2016

David Cameron’s final Prime Minister’s Questions (highlights)

The outgoing PM’s wit was on full display this morning. Thanks to BBC News for highlights.

LGBT rights vs. 'religious freedom' on full display at hearing

LGBT rights vs. 'religious freedom' on full display at hearing — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) July 13, 2016 More on Tuesday’s anti-gay FADA hearing on Capitol Hill.

Florida driver praying with her eyes closed crashes into house

JESUS, TAKE THE WHEEL: Florida driver praying with her eyes closed crashes into house — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) July 12, 2016 Our friend Joel writes, “She…