Current Affairs

The 2016 anti-LGBT March for Marriage was a complete flop

The 2016 anti-LGBT March for Marriage was a complete flop — ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) June 28, 2016

North Carolina Republicans want trans people to literally show their papers at the bathroom door

North Carolina Republicans want trans people to literally show their papers at the bathroom door — ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) June 28, 2016 All these desperate fear mongers are doing is…

Boston bombing survivors to Orlando victims: "We are family now"

Boston bombing survivors to Orlando victims: "We are family now" — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) June 27, 2016

Congresswoman Norton fights for D.C. abortion services

#SCOTUS struck down TX law that restricts access to abortion. I'm fighting Congress, which makes DC funds for abortion services impossible. — Eleanor H. Norton (@EleanorNorton) June 27, 2016

Obama Designates Stonewall Inn National Monument

Watch: Obama Designates Stonewall Inn Nation's First Monument Commemorating #LGBT Rights #p2 — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) June 27, 2016

Breaking: Federal Judge Rules Clerks Cannot Cite Religion to Recuse From Issuing Marriage Licenses

Breaking: Federal Judge Rules Clerks Cannot Cite Religion to Recuse From Issuing Marriage Licenses #p2 #lgbt #gay — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) June 27, 2016

Agreement to end Colombian war acknowledges LGBT victims

Agreement to end Colombian war acknowledges LGBT victims — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) June 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton makes surprise appearance at New York Pride parade

.@HillaryClinton makes surprise appearance at @NYCPride — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) June 27, 2016

Activists arrested for challenging Istanbul Pride march ban

Activists arrested for challenging Istanbul Pride march ban — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) June 27, 2016

Pope Francis: Church should 'ask forgiveness' from gay people

Pope Francis: Church should 'ask forgiveness' from gay people — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) June 27, 2016