Current Affairs

Obama discusses reasonable gun regulation, slams NRA

At a town hall in Elkhart, Indiana with PBS NewsHour, President Obama responds straightforwardly and lucidly to a gun owner who thinks he and Hillary want to take away everyone’s…

Pro-transgender bathroom bill passes in Massachusetts – Republican governor expected to sign

Pro-transgender bathroom bill passes in Massachusetts – Republican governor expected to sign — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) June 2, 2016

Barack Obama, Transformer: @POTUS breaks the mold on foreign policy.

@WashBlade Barack Obama, Transformer: @POTUS breaks the mold on foreign policy. #Hiroshima — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) June 1, 2016 My Blade column this week uses the president’s historic…

Obama issues final Pride Month proclamation

Read @POTUS 's final #LGBTQPrideMonth proclamation: #Obama #Pride — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) June 1, 2016

June 1 – LGBTQ Social Justice and Rights in the District: a community discussion

Please join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 1 in the Martin Luther King Library for a community discussion on LGBTQ social justice and rights. It is an interesting…

AIDS activists accuse Sanders of lying about meeting

AIDS activists blast Sanders, say he “used and abused” them by lying about meeting via @AMERICAblogGay — AMERICAblog Gay (@AMERICAblogGay) May 26, 2016

Obama in Hiroshima

A powerful moment in Hiroshima as our president embraces one of the Hibakusha, a survivor of the atomic blast 71 years ago. My heart soars. I am so proud of…

June 14 – DC primary election: Evans, Gray, Robert White top GLAA ratings

@glaadc releases ratings ad for June 14 DC primary election: Evans, Gray, Robert White top field. #DCision16 #lgbt — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) May 27, 2016

Gays being attacked in Ghana

Muslim cleric claims gay sex 'causes earthquakes' — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 26, 2016 Stoked by religious leaders.

Near the Islamic Center, and blocks from the White House!

Obama’s Fancy New Mansion Is Located 1,000 Feet From The Islamic Center Of Washington DC — The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 26, 2016 I was just scrolling through…