
Early voting starts in D.C.

Pleased to see so many DC residents voting early today! Polls open at One Judiciary Square until 7pm. #DCStatehood is on the ballot! pic.twitter.com/CUNVYcWGSy — Eleanor H. Norton (@EleanorNorton) October…

Capehart: Giuliani reacted like all bullies to Hillary’s joke at Al Smith dinner

Giuliani reacted like all bullies. They can dish it, but they can’t take it — especially from “such a nasty." woman.”https://t.co/OmDRkeSVKx — Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) October 22, 2016

Donald Trump Jr. Says Serving as President Would Be 'A Step Down' for His Father

WATCH: Donald Trump Jr. Says Serving as President Would Be 'A Step Down' for His Father https://t.co/6avddCDWTP #p2 #DEM #GOP pic.twitter.com/ckq2P7sSCv — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) October 21, 2016 I…

Log Cabin announces decision to withhold endorsement from Trump

BREAKING: @LogCabinGOP announces decision to withhold endorsement from Trump https://t.co/YWaoYyt0a8… — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) October 22, 2016

Overcoming Election Madness

Now @WashBlade – Overcoming Election Madness https://t.co/Eh9srdIgB9 #lgbt #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/5jQKLOLQOj — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) October 18, 2016 My latest Blade column.

Captain Khan

As powerful a political ad as I have ever seen.

Melania Trump Blames Everyone But Donald

Once again so fabulous she must be rigged. Laura Benanti returns as Melania. (Note: she will appear at the Barns at Wolf Trap on Saturday, October 29, and will be…

SNL cold open: presidential town hall debate

Kate McKinnon is the star of this.

The ‘global power structure’ out to stop Trump

Per WaPo, "Donald Trump now says 'a global power structure' is out to stop him." We are, but most people just call us women. — Andrea (@nonsequiteuse) October 14, 2016…

Michelle Obama in Manchester

Speaking Thursday at a rally for Hillary Clinton in Manchester, New Hampshire, First Lady Michelle Obama eviscerated the Republican nominee for president without mentioning his name. As my friend Robert…