
Clinton: Trump is “taking hate groups mainstream”

.@HillaryClinton: @realDonaldTrump is "taking hate groups mainstream" https://t.co/K79CAGg8TE pic.twitter.com/06fnEJiFMH — Towleroad (@tlrd) August 25, 2016

Millennials emerge as most LGBT-friendly group in history

Millennials emerge as most LGBT-friendly group in history https://t.co/WLP90T0Uiv — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) August 25, 2016

Charles Blow slams Trump’s diversity director for helping a bigot

Charles M. Blow is on target as usual.

‘He’s an idiot’: Watch black voters react to Trump’s ‘What do you have to lose?’ pitch

‘He’s an idiot’: Watch black voters react to Trump’s ‘What do you have to lose?’ pitch https://t.co/LuNDy1vaph pic.twitter.com/70W67FfwL8 — Raw Story (@RawStory) August 23, 2016

Colbert mocks Trump’s black outreach: You’re already on fire so shoot yourself in the head

Colbert mocks Trump’s black outreach: You’re already on fire so shoot yourself in the head https://t.co/GDAB2eWY36 pic.twitter.com/OZiSSmW2Hu — Raw Story (@RawStory) August 23, 2016

Trump staffers busted for posting racist memes and calling for violence against minorities

Trump staffers busted for posting racist memes and calling for violence against minorities https://t.co/8ahRqvc5I8 pic.twitter.com/rDVWd7oOD7 — Raw Story (@RawStory) August 23, 2016 Our friend Ernest Hopkins comments: Wow, as if…

A look inside Marco Rubio's desperate fake support for queer rights

A look inside Marco Rubio's desperate fake support for queer rights ➡️ by @MSignorile https://t.co/39ytEeTH19 — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) August 17, 2016

Congresswoman Norton battles interference in D.C. gun law

In wake of Orlando mass shooting, I was able to stop 3 DC gun riders. Only #DCStatehood will stop them permanently https://t.co/DIH1hEbIGH — Eleanor H. Norton (@EleanorNorton) August 18, 2016…

Clinton meets with top police officers as Trump casts himself as "law and order" candidate

Clinton meets with top police officers as Trump casts himself as "law and order" candidate https://t.co/leF54zpKxK — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 18, 2016

Obama: perception isn’t reality

Here’s why President Obama isn’t stopping his vacation to visit the Louisiana flooding https://t.co/5gQMhprbsE — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 18, 2016 This is one of the qualities I admire the…