
June 14 – DC primary election: Evans, Gray, Robert White top GLAA ratings

@glaadc releases ratings ad for June 14 DC primary election: Evans, Gray, Robert White top field. #DCision16 #lgbt pic.twitter.com/DSUh733qZ5 — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) May 27, 2016

Isn’t it rich?

Sondheim’s most beloved song, sung by his greatest interpreter. Its rueful tone, rather than fear, seems to fit this absurd election year: Isn’t it rich? Are they a pair? Hillary’s…

Hillary and the Trans United Fund questionnaire

"Bi and trans: Always united" https://t.co/rRaLPfk4HY via @washblade. Please share our petition: https://t.co/7oMoU82mWd #Waiting4Hillary — Trans United Fund (@transunitedfund) May 26, 2016 I was going to agree with this criticism,…

Texas education board candidate who called Obama a gay prostitute loses

#Breaking: State education board candidate who called Obama a gay prostitute loses https://t.co/vvRcKmsY4g pic.twitter.com/22NHgSTdZL — Dallas Morning News (@dallasnews) May 25, 2016 Good riddance.

Jake Tapper Berates Trump for Pushing 'Bizarre, Unfounded Conspiracy Theory'

CNN Anchor Berates Trump for Pushing 'Bizarre, Unfounded Conspiracy Theory' And It's Awesome https://t.co/hhDcwESjCP pic.twitter.com/DaHIOw8enN — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) May 25, 2016 Thank you, Mr. Tapper.

WaPo half-heartedly endorses Alexander; the record supports Gray

Vince Gray tangles with the Washington Post ed board over Ward 7 endorsement https://t.co/rz96M7t3PX — Will Sommer (@willsommer) May 23, 2016 The Washington Post has endorsed Ward 7 Councilmember Yvette…

Really, Cornel?

Cornel West: Trump is a “narcissistic neo-fascist in the making”; Clinton is a hawkish “milquetoast neoliberal” https://t.co/m2iOw6VsMS — Salon.com (@Salon) May 24, 2016 Intellectual huckster Cornel West, who is big…

Bernie must drop notion that everyone who disagrees with him is corrupt or a dupe

Bernie Sanders is insulting voters with this notion https://t.co/AXooZOlKGl — Salon.com (@Salon) May 24, 2016 Yes. It is tiresome and silly when Bernie True Believers reflexively call you either a…

The Miss Alternate Universe Pageant

@WashBlade The Miss Alternate Universe Pageant: our flight from reason and reality. https://t.co/5MA60EpRx7 #trump pic.twitter.com/v0QGJIMaP6 — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) May 19, 2016 My latest column.

Newsweek to Sanders: get control of your supporters' obscene behavior, or get out

Bernie Sanders should either control his supporters' obscene behavior, or get out of the race https://t.co/QgcAs5GW2e by @kurteichenwald — Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 19, 2016 Shocking and frightening.