
WaPo: Donald Trump sets a new record for economic recklessness

The Washington Post has a good explainer on what is terrible about Trump’s proposal to “make a deal” with America’s debt holders to decrease our national debt: The minute the…

President Obama Delivers the Commencement Address at Howard University

A smart presentation on how to get things done instead of just talking about it.

Confessions of a Republican 1964: ‘This man scares me’

Here is the 1964 LBJ campaign ad featuring actor William Bogert, a Republican, expressing his concerns about the extremism of Barry Goldwater. Rachel Maddow had Bogert, now 80, on her…

Sullivan: America has never been so ripe for tyranny—and that's what is scariest about Trump

America has never been so ripe for tyranny—and that's what is scariest about Trump: https://t.co/LMaYEp4P8J pic.twitter.com/mooDYeQbl7 — New York Magazine (@NYMag) May 2, 2016 Andrew Sullivan has a brilliant essay…

Paul Ryan wants to end Obamacare protections for people with pre-existing conditions

Paul Ryan wants to end Obamacare protections for people with pre-existing conditions https://t.co/CypTdPWTCb — Raw Story (@RawStory) April 28, 2016 How anyone can vote for the GOP and its callous…

George Takei urges fellow Sanders supporters: Abandon 'family squabble' and back Clinton

George Takei urges fellow Sanders supporters: Abandon 'family squabble' and back Clinton https://t.co/75ndOJiYxP pic.twitter.com/ilxRKjVFcY — Raw Story (@RawStory) April 28, 2016

Bernie’s narrow path to victory

(Photo by Figo Fromage) Bernie Sanders says he still sees a narrow path to victory after the drubbing he took on Tuesday. This brought to mind the image above.

My running mate – Mrs. Danvers

If Ted Cruz can announce a running mate, so can I. My running mate will be Mrs. Danvers. She is loyal to a fault, meticulous, and can talk people into…

Fiorina accepts Cruz’s running mate offer, sings to his daughters

Twitter erupted after Carly Fiorina sang to Ted Cruz's young daughters https://t.co/CZ0V7lvzGh pic.twitter.com/O86g9K89d2 — Business Insider (@businessinsider) April 27, 2016

A season without credit

@DonnaFEdwards campaign for the US Senate is at the top of my political analysis tonight. ICYMI: https://t.co/xUSwLmn9va — Michelle Bernard (@MichelleBernard) April 27, 2016 This piece in Roll Call treats…