
Twitter Explodes Amid Charge Bernie Sanders Supporters Shouted 'English Only' At Civil Rights Icon

Twitter Explodes Amid Charge Bernie Sanders Supporters Shouted 'English Only' At Civil Rights Icon https://t.co/OaNEUoq2Cp #p2 #DEM #tlot — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 21, 2016 Our friend Ernest Hopkins…

Cillizza: Give Hillary Clinton massive credit for winning the Nevada caucus

Give Hillary Clinton a massive amount of credit for winning the Nevada caucus https://t.co/VGV3aD1Th0 pic.twitter.com/8aHdWjESFq — Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 20, 2016 Chris Cillizza gives Hillary credit.

Uganda elections: Police raid main opposition headquarters

Ugandan dictator Museveni’s open criminality continues as police raid main opposition’s headquarter a day after the election. BBC reports. Our friend Pepe Julian Onziema tweets: Breaking News: (or is it)…

Poll: LGBT people split 48 percent for Clinton, 41 percent for Sanders

Poll: #LGBT people split 48 percent for @HillaryClinton, 41 percent for @BernieSanders https://t.co/cOfpbzwFsZ @WashBlade — Chris Johnson (@chrisjohnson82) February 16, 2016

On Jeb’s gun pic

America. pic.twitter.com/TeduJkwQF3 — Jeb Bush (@JebBush) February 16, 2016 My concerned, loving response: @JebBush Please don't shoot yourself. Quit this race you plainly do not want, and take a relaxing…

Obama: Trump Will Not Be President

Obama: Trump Will Not Be President (Video) https://t.co/AWTptUnxTq #p2 #DEM #GOP #tlot #tcot pic.twitter.com/Wn5AF1tOOS — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton's emotional call on Democrats to take systemic racism seriously

Watch: Hillary Clinton's emotional call on Democrats to take systemic racism seriously https://t.co/6naLPalutr pic.twitter.com/MC4V52xAIN — Vox (@voxdotcom) February 16, 2016

Marco Rubio Doubles Down With New Plan To Take Away LGBT Rights

Marco Rubio Doubles Down With New Plan To Take Away #LGBT Rights https://t.co/RAaLVyqmO2 #p2 #gay #noh8 #DEM #GOP pic.twitter.com/qsgrzejuCi — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 15, 2016 If this man…

The GOP’s bogus ‘Three-Fourths Rule’

(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Photo) It is below freezing and snowing on this President’s Day in Washington. So I ground some beans from my stash of Java House Blend, and am…

Bernie Sanders launches gay-inclusive campaign ad

Watch: Bernie Sanders launches gay-inclusive campaign ad https://t.co/9GHoJcpHOv #LGBTI #US pic.twitter.com/DiBXWEP82p — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 12, 2016