
Bob Woodward says Hillary is too loud

@keithboykin Seriously? Has Woodward heard Bernie Sanders? An accomplished woman runs and folks lose their minds.https://t.co/uKQgmSuZIC — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) February 3, 2016

'Dead Clown Walking': NY Daily News Mocks Donald Trump's Iowa Results

'Dead Clown Walking': NY Daily News Mocks Donald Trump's Iowa Results https://t.co/i0tGfRcZpJ #DEM #GOP #p2 #tlot #iacaucus — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) February 2, 2016

Elite Media Furiously Spin Defeat of Their Anti-Hillary Agenda in Iowa

EPIC FAIL: Elite Media Furiously Spin Defeat of Their Anti-Hillary Agenda in Iowa via @BlueNationRev HILLARY won… A WIN is a WIN! GO . HRC — Donna Ysland (@52fairway) February…

Women in the World 2012: Meryl Streep’s Tribute to Hillary Clinton

From four years ago, an extraordinary and illuminating tribute to our former Secretary of State. You may learn things you didn’t know from this. And if you have bought into…

Hold Your Benghazm, None of Those 22 New Hillary Emails Were Classified When They Were Sent

Hold Your Benghazm, None of Those 22 New Hillary Emails Were Classified When They Were Sent https://t.co/Sa5gtguAPV pic.twitter.com/dRseTRAyAN — Mediaite (@Mediaite) January 29, 2016

The Republican presidential circus continues

Chris Wallace is not going to be bullied by Raphael, who is sinking fast, and Wallace sticks it to Jeb, who promises to dispense with legal niceties in our warmaking….

Be afraid — very afraid! There's now a gay Donald Trump erotic novel

Be afraid — very afraid! There's now a gay Donald Trump erotic novel https://t.co/Vd8gtPZU2s — huffpostgay (@huffpostgay) January 28, 2016 Read at your own risk.

'An Eye For An Eye': Trump Shows How He Would Govern – Goes Old Testament On Fox Over

'An Eye For An Eye': Trump Shows How He Would Govern – Goes Old Testament On Fox Over #GOPDebate https://t.co/0V5crHYQre #p2 #DEM #religion — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) January 28,…

Gay artist makes portrait of Donald Trump out of GOP candidate's own bigoted comments

Gay artist makes portrait of Donald Trump out of GOP candidate's own bigoted comments https://t.co/3qYn0nbJb1 @GOP pic.twitter.com/9DODDYTWCL — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) January 27, 2016

Louie Gohmert wonders if Clinton supports Obama's agenda because he'll indict her if she doesn't

Louie Gohmert wonders if Clinton supports Obama's agenda because he'll indict her if she doesn't https://t.co/R1Eh1Xz9AV — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) January 25, 2016 The latest from Conspiracy Central.