
J.K. Rowling Responds To Trump Official Lamenting Lack Of 'Pure Breed' Candidates

J.K. Rowling Summons Up Perfect Response To Trump Official Lamenting Lack Of 'Pure Breed' Candidates https://t.co/E4ZjUb3lPR #DEM #GOP #tlot — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) January 25, 2016

Trump slams Cruz for taking money from ‘people who espouse gay marriage’

.@realDonaldTrump slams @tedcruz for taking money from “people who espouse gay marriage.” https://t.co/YNJr3C8Q0F @WashBlade — Chris Johnson (@chrisjohnson82) January 16, 2016

GOP Lawmaker's Anti-Gay Marriage Campaign Backfiring in Tennessee

#GOP Lawmaker's Anti-Gay Marriage Campaign Backfiring Miserably In Tennessee https://t.co/YOhJNHXNtL #p2 #lgbt #DEM #noh8 #gay — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) January 15, 2016

Taiwan's newly elected first female president supports same-sex marriage

Taiwan's newly elected first female president supports same-sex marriage https://t.co/LKtC53GQyJ #gaymarriage pic.twitter.com/Lig6b9MW8r — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) January 17, 2016

Trump defends New York values

A rare moment of humanity was seen from Donald Trump last night in response to a jab at “New York values” by Ted Cruz.

#OscarsSoWhite – there's more diversity at tonight's #GOPDebate

#OscarsSoWhite There's more diversity at tonight's #GOPDebate pic.twitter.com/Et0y776HUO — The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) January 14, 2016