
Trump Aide Claims GOP Never Questioned Obama's Legitimacy

Twitter Explodes After Trump Aide Claims GOP Never Questioned Obama's Legitimacy https://t.co/663D5jWsQx pic.twitter.com/k3Eo0jO7Le — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) January 17, 2017 At this point it would be just as informative…

A child’s witness to terror

MLK III has just met at the Trump Tower with Herr Twitler. However that went (and in his exit remarks to the press he bent over backwards to be diplomatic),…

Krugman: Calling Trump illegitimate is positively patriotic.

Is it O.K. to declare the man about to become president illegitimate? Yes, it's patriotic. https://t.co/4x2PWzJCly pic.twitter.com/84kHxvu91N — NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) January 16, 2017 Paul Krugman gets it exactly right….

Defending America against Trump

This photo, surprisingly enough, is not an advertisement for Haisten’s Mattress & Awning Company. It is a news photo of nonviolent protesters being savagely beaten by Alabama state troopers for…

Ben Carson: LGBTQ Americans will not be given 'extra rights' for public housing

Ben Carson: LGBTQ Americans will not be given 'extra rights' for public housing https://t.co/x8X8UjEGWa pic.twitter.com/VdUIGRtgiL — GSN (@gaystarnews) January 13, 2017 If you can think of an “extra right,” I’d…

Jennifer Holliday backs away from performing at Trump inaugural

#JenniferHolliday backs away from performing at #TrumpInaugural: https://t.co/pgXhF9hZid @LadyJHOLLIDAY @realDonaldTrump #PresidentTrump pic.twitter.com/XZKO3k8410 — GSN (@gaystarnews) January 14, 2017

A letter from one president to another

My fantasy letter from #44 to #45, left on the Resolute desk in the Oval Office: “Dear Mr. President, Congratulations. The rubes bought what you were selling. Isn’t it a…

Atlantans say Trump is wrong about their city and John Lewis

Atlantans say Trump is wrong about their city and John Lewis https://t.co/bCmR8pwgTO pic.twitter.com/07F4cXYGxR — AJC (@ajc) January 15, 2017 Another thing Trump just made up. He simply assumes cities where…

John Lewis stands his ground

(Spider Martin/Courtesy Steven Kasher Gallery, New York) In this photo from Sunday, March 7, 1965, the young man in the trenchcoat on the right is leading a group of 600…

Even after today's Nuremberg rally/News Conf., Russia will still destroy Trump because: He. Cannot. Leave It. Alone.

Even after today's Nuremberg rally/News Conf., Russia will still destroy Trump because: He. Cannot. Leave It. Alone. pic.twitter.com/O7P4tpcvWc — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) January 12, 2017 The inimitable Keith Olbermann has…