Human Rights

The post-election liberation of willful ignorance

A hiker wore a bandanna for sun protection. Then she found an anti-Muslim note on her car. — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 19, 2016

The dark chapter of America’s history a Trump backer just called "precedent" for registering Muslims

The dark chapter of America’s history a Trump backer just called "precedent" for registering Muslims — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 19, 2016

Hate on the Rise After Trump’s Election

Since Trump's win, there has been a dramatic uptick in racist incidents and xenophobic harassment across the country — The New Yorker (@NewYorker) November 17, 2016 The thought of…

A savage attack on our homeland from within

(Photo: Getty Images) Stunning, frightening, heartbreaking. A country that can make such a destructive decision is not one that I recognize or to which I can be loyal. To go…

Couples look to county clerk Kim Davis to pay legal bill

Couples look to county clerk #KimDavis to pay legal bill: #Kentucky #LGBTIRights #marriage @libertycounsel — GSN (@gaystarnews) November 5, 2016

Chelsea Clinton speaks at HRC, Equality NC event in Charlotte

.@ChelseaClinton speaks at @HRC, @equalitync event in Charlotte @WashBlade #TurnOUT #NC #LGBT — Michael K. Lavers (@mklavers81) November 6, 2016

Ugandan gays say police use painful exam to "prove" homosexuality

Ugandan gays say police use painful exam to "prove" homosexuality — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) November 2, 2016

Death with Dignity Act passes first reading at DC Council

We're at the DC City Council waiting for a vote on the #deathwithdignity bill. Stay posted for updates! #MoreOptions4DC — Secular Coalition (@seculardotorg) November 1, 2016 (That’s me, Rick…

Here's exactly why a vote for Trump is vote against LGBTQ rights

Here's exactly why a vote for Trump is vote against LGBTQ rights — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) October 29, 2016

Turing's Law 'still on track' as government scuppers rival bill in Parliament

Turing's Law 'still on track' as government scuppers rival bill in Parliament — PinkNews (@PinkNews) October 21, 2016