Human Rights

Colombia ambassador downplays anti-LGBT opposition to peace deal

Colombia ambassador downplays anti-LGBT opposition to peace deal — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) October 22, 2016

Captain Khan

As powerful a political ad as I have ever seen.

Australia national marriage vote blocked

Australia national marriage vote blocked — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) October 11, 2016 Good. Your right to marry should not be subject to approval by your neighbors.

John Oliver on Guantánamo, Trump

John Oliver on Last Week Tonight, among other things, points out that the would-be strongman who is the Republican nominee for president wants to fill Guantánamo with prisoners and doesn’t…

Ben Carson: Same-Sex Marriage Will Bring "Mass Killings"

Ben Carson: Same-Sex Marriage Will Bring "Mass Killings" – — JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) October 9, 2016 In case you hadn’t seen enough craziness today.

Homophobic hate crimes in the UK are spiking after Brexit vote

Homophobic hate crimes in the UK are spiking after Brexit vote — GSN (@gaystarnews) October 9, 2016

Consider hosting an LGBT asylum seeker

Consider hosting an LGBT asylum seeker — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) October 8, 2016

Ten Times Mike Pence Worked to Defeat the LGBT Community

Ten Times Mike Pence Worked to Defeat the #LGBT Community #gay #noh8 #p2 — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) October 8, 2016

Health Committee sends Death with Dignity Act to full D.C. Council

(Photo by Rick Rosendall) The D.C. Council Committee on Health and Human Services held a markup of Bill 21-38, the Death with Dignity Act, on Wednesday, October 5 at 2…

Gov. Brown signs most inclusive restroom access law in U.S.

California gov signs most inclusive restroom access law in US @HRC @glaad @TransgenderNews @TLDEF @TransGenderUtd — GSN (@gaystarnews) September 29, 2016