Human Rights

Video: the personal cost of Peter Tatchell's human rights activism

The personal cost of @PeterTatchell's human rights activism. VIDEO @patrickharvie @beatrixcampbell @natalieben @hrw — Peter Tatchell Fdn (@PT_Foundation) August 3, 2016 Our friend, British human rights activist Peter Tatchell,…

Yes, Donald Trump. The electoral system is rigged – against African Americans.

Yes, #DonaldTrump. The electoral system is 'rigged' – against #AfricanAmericans #politics #Republicans — MIP @SXMProgress 127 (@MakeItPlain) August 4, 2016

A message for Donald Trump: Giving up a career isn’t the price that sexual harassment victims should pay

A message for Donald Trump: Giving up a career isn’t the price that sexual harassment victims should pay. — Carol Costello (@CarolCNN) August 3, 2016

Gay congressman warns of Donald Trump's danger to LGBT rights

Gay congressman warns of Donald Trump's danger to LGBT rights ➡️ by @MSignorile — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) August 3, 2016

LGBT groups criticize Pope Francis over gender comments

LGBT groups criticize Pope Francis over gender comments — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) August 3, 2016 Pope Francis does not know what he is talking about. This is but the…

US Supreme Court blocks ruling allowing trans student to use boys' bathroom

US Supreme Court blocks ruling allowing trans student to use boys' bathroom @ACLU @Scotus — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) August 3, 2016 One more reminder that we are…

Happy birthday, Mr. President

Happy 55th birthday to the finest president of my lifetime. “We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths –- that all of us are created equal –-…

Answering Trump Supporters

Wayne Grudem, a Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary in Arizona, writes at the conservative website about why he supports Donald Trump. His article, “Why…

Federal Appeals Court Overturns NC Voter ID Law

Breaking: Citing 'Discriminatory Intent' Federal Appeals Court Overturns NC Voter ID Law — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) July 29, 2016 Big news. At this point, the Republicans seem…

Khizr Khan at DNC 2016 slams Trump’s Islamophobia

A powerful rebuke of Donald Trump’s Islamophobia by the father of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who died in service to this country.