Human Rights

Gay Puerto Rican boxer will dedicate next fight to Orlando victims

Gay Puerto Rican boxer will dedicate next fight to Orlando victims — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) July 14, 2016

Commentary: Racially biased policing poisons America

My latest @WashBlade – Racially biased policing poisons America. #BlackLivesMatter @deray — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) July 12, 2016

LGBT rights vs. 'religious freedom' on full display at hearing

LGBT rights vs. 'religious freedom' on full display at hearing — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) July 13, 2016 More on Tuesday’s anti-gay FADA hearing on Capitol Hill.

Barney Frank testifies against anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ bill

A fine performance by the former congressman at yesterday’s disgraceful hearing on the anti-LGBT, so-called First Amendment Defense Act, which is simply a continued attack on gay families waged under…

President Obama Speaks at an Interfaith Memorial Service

A powerful speech by President Obama on another most painful occasion.

"Everyone kept saying, 'Why are you arresting him?'" DeRay Mckesson released from Baton Rouge jail.

"Everyone kept saying, 'Why are you arresting him?'" @deray released from Baton Rouge jail. — The Baltimore Sun (@baltimoresun) July 11, 2016

Minnesota policeman kills Philando Castile during traffic stop

Minnesota police officer fatally shoots man during trafficstop — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 7, 2016 A 4-year-old girl comforts her distraught mother minutes after Philando Castile was murdered in…

Chelsea Manning hospitalized after reported suicide attempt

Chelsea Manning hospitalized after reported suicide attempt @OutServeSLDN @USMilitary_com — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) July 6, 2016 Chelsea Manning violated the Espionage Act. She released vast numbers of…

Philly Archbishop: No communion for sexually active gays

Philly Archbishop: No communion for sexually active #gays: @USCCB @cnalive @catholicEW — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) July 6, 2016

Gaping injustice and grief in Baton Rouge

Have you had occasion in your life to sob uncontrollably? Do you remember the raw grief and the sense of being lost, the free fall of despair? Were you 15…