
Video: FBI Director Comey recommends no charges against Hillary Clinton

Naturally, Trump quickly said it’s rigged. Yawn.

North Carolina governor protects HB2 bill with $500,000 taken from disaster relief fund

North Carolina governor protects HB2 bill with $500,000 taken from disaster relief fund — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) July 2, 2016

Federal judge strikes down MS so-called "religious freedom" law

YES! Federal judge strikes down MS so-called "religious freedom" law via @mstodaynews — Trans Equality (@TransEquality) July 1, 2016 Bravo to Judge Reeves, and congrats to Robbie Kaplan.

Pentagon lifts trans military ban

Pentagon lifts trans military ban ‘effective immediately’ via @WashBlade — ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 30, 2016 Another historic advance from the Obama administration.

The 2016 anti-LGBT March for Marriage was a complete flop

The 2016 anti-LGBT March for Marriage was a complete flop — ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) June 28, 2016

North Carolina Republicans want trans people to literally show their papers at the bathroom door

North Carolina Republicans want trans people to literally show their papers at the bathroom door — ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) June 28, 2016 All these desperate fear mongers are doing is…

Congresswoman Norton fights for D.C. abortion services

#SCOTUS struck down TX law that restricts access to abortion. I'm fighting Congress, which makes DC funds for abortion services impossible. — Eleanor H. Norton (@EleanorNorton) June 27, 2016

Breaking: Federal Judge Rules Clerks Cannot Cite Religion to Recuse From Issuing Marriage Licenses

Breaking: Federal Judge Rules Clerks Cannot Cite Religion to Recuse From Issuing Marriage Licenses #p2 #lgbt #gay — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) June 27, 2016

The Daily Mail is now claiming gay marriage caused #Brexit

The Daily Mail is now claiming gay marriage caused #Brexit — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) June 27, 2016

Democrats Try Again to Lift FDA Blood Donor Ban for Gays

Democrats Try Again to Lift FDA Blood Donor Ban for Gays via @remawriter @rollcall — CQ Now (@CQnow) June 15, 2016