
John Oliver on Guantánamo, Trump

John Oliver on Last Week Tonight, among other things, points out that the would-be strongman who is the Republican nominee for president wants to fill Guantánamo with prisoners and doesn’t…

Trump’s (debate night) women

I just heard about the stunt. Trump couldn’t give a fuck about any of those women, or what they alleged. Perhaps they even realize that. — Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) October…

Ben Carson: Same-Sex Marriage Will Bring "Mass Killings"

Ben Carson: Same-Sex Marriage Will Bring "Mass Killings" – — JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) October 9, 2016 In case you hadn’t seen enough craziness today.

Van Jones: Trump is a superpredator

Van Jones: ‘We have a superpredator running for president — and his name is Donald Trump’ — Raw Story (@RawStory) October 9, 2016

Obama On Trump: His Unbelievable Rhetoric Just Shows His Insecurities

Obama On Trump's Lewd Comments: His Unbelievable Rhetoric Just Shows His Insecurities … – — JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) October 9, 2016

“Show me on the ballot….”

Show me on the ballot where the bad man touched you. — Hurricane Pussy (@xeni) October 8, 2016 Brilliant.

Homophobic hate crimes in the UK are spiking after Brexit vote

Homophobic hate crimes in the UK are spiking after Brexit vote — GSN (@gaystarnews) October 9, 2016

Consider hosting an LGBT asylum seeker

Consider hosting an LGBT asylum seeker — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) October 8, 2016

Hypocrisy: Anti-LGBT activists stick with Trump despite video

HYPOCRISY: Anti-LGBT activists stick with Trump despite video — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) October 9, 2016 We are not surprised.

You knew who Trump was when you endorsed him, Republican leaders

You knew who Trump was when you endorsed him, Republican leaders — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) October 9, 2016 This is the key point regarding all the Republicans defecting from supporting…