
New Polls: NBC Shows Clinton Beating Trump by 6 Points, CNN Shows Trump Beating Clinton by 2

New Polls: NBC Shows Clinton Beating Trump by 6 Points, CNN Shows Trump Beating Clinton by 2 — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) September 6, 2016 This is scary….

“Don’t wear white after Labor Day!”

Phyllis Schlafly dies at 92

#PhyllisSchlafly has been granted permission to enter hell, and the Internet is rejoicing. — Riverfront Times (@RiverfrontTimes) September 6, 2016 This piece is nasty, but it has the following…

SCOTUS overturns NC’s gutting of voting rights

#NC: SCOTUS decision means voters won’t have to show one of several qualifying photo IDs; early voting reverts to 17 days, to begin Oct. 20 — Democracy NC (@democracync) August…

Latinos for Trump founder warns: "you're gonna have taco trucks on every corner"

Latinos for Trump founder @MarcoGutierrez: "you're gonna have taco trucks on every corner" #inners — All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) September 2, 2016 I was slack-jawed. Later in the…

Human Rights Campaign launches #ThisIsTransgender video

RNC head Priebus claims Clinton Foundation has 80% overhead — it’s actually 12%

RNC head Priebus claims Clinton Foundation has 80% overhead — it’s actually 12% — AMERICAblog LGBT (@AMERICAblogGay) August 30, 2016

The problem with Politico's report on the Clinton Foundation

The problem with Politico's report on the Clinton Foundation — Media Matters (@mmfa) September 1, 2016

Charity watchdog groups gave the Clinton Foundation high ratings

Charity watchdog groups gave the Clinton Foundation high ratings, dismantling Right-Wing Media "slush fund" claims — Media Matters (@mmfa) September 1, 2016

NYT edits story on Trump’s Mexico trip and immigration speech after criticism

New York Times’ edited their story on Trump’s trip to Mexico and immigration speech after criticism from reporters — Media Matters (@mmfa) September 1, 2016 An egregious case of…