
LBJ and Walter Jenkins

In ironic scene, @BryanCranston's #LBJ asks Hoover how he would have known aide Walter Jenkins was gay. #AllTheWay — MIP @SXMProgress 127 (@MakeItPlain) May 23, 2016 Top LBJ aide…

Really, Cornel?

Cornel West: Trump is a “narcissistic neo-fascist in the making”; Clinton is a hawkish “milquetoast neoliberal” — (@Salon) May 24, 2016 Intellectual huckster Cornel West, who is big…

Bernie must drop notion that everyone who disagrees with him is corrupt or a dupe

Bernie Sanders is insulting voters with this notion — (@Salon) May 24, 2016 Yes. It is tiresome and silly when Bernie True Believers reflexively call you either a…

The Miss Alternate Universe Pageant

@WashBlade The Miss Alternate Universe Pageant: our flight from reason and reality. #trump — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) May 19, 2016 My latest column.

HRC taps Ted Olson in fight against NC anti-LGBT law

Lawyer who helped take down Prop 8 joins fight against NC's anti-LGBT law — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) May 18, 2016 The Human Rights Campaign goes the celebrity route again. HRC…

GOP congresswoman stands up for LGBT rights alongside her transgender son

GOP congresswoman stands up for LGBT rights alongside her transgender son — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) May 18, 2016 The Lehtinens were at the Trans Equality fundraiser Wednesday evening at The…

Lawmakers aim to curb anti-LGBTI 'religious freedom' bills in US

Lawmakers aim to curb anti-LGBTI 'religious freedom' bills in US @joekennedy @repbobbyscott — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 19, 2016

The Seychelles votes to decriminalize gay sex

The Seychelles votes to decriminalize gay sex #LGBTI — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 19, 2016

Newsweek to Sanders: get control of your supporters' obscene behavior, or get out

Bernie Sanders should either control his supporters' obscene behavior, or get out of the race by @kurteichenwald — Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 19, 2016 Shocking and frightening.

Guard Charged with Assault After Confronting Transgender Woman Using Women's Restroom

Guard Charged with Assault After Confronting Transgender Woman Using Women's Restroom, Source Says | NBC4 Washington — Jackie Bensen (@jackiebensen) May 19, 2016 This is getting increasingly scary. An…