Obama Honors Fallen Soldiers on Memorial Day by Speaking of Liberty, Equality
Watch: Pres. Obama Honors Fallen Soldiers on Memorial Day by Speaking of Liberty, Equality — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) May 30, 2016
Obama in Hiroshima
A powerful moment in Hiroshima as our president embraces one of the Hibakusha, a survivor of the atomic blast 71 years ago. My heart soars. I am so proud of…
Those Naval Academy plebes
PHOTOS: US Naval Academy plebes shirtless and slippery during #HerndonClimb @NavalAcademy — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) May 25, 2016 A spring ritual in Annapolis.
Biden praises openly gay West Point 2016 class president
VP Jos Biden praised a gay West Point cadet who has the distinction of being both first captain and class president — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) May 24, 2016 My…
Senate confirms Eric Fanning as Secretary of the Army, first openly gay leader of a U.S. military service
NEW: Senate confirms Eric Fanning as Secretary of the Army, first openly gay leader of a U.S. military service. — ABC News (@ABC) May 17, 2016
American military aid offer to Israel is generous enough
President Obama proposed largest military aid deal ever provided by U.S.; Israel insists on more generous terms — The New York Times (@nytimes) April 29, 2016 Obama has offered…
The choice for Commander-in-Chief: a stateswoman or a narcissist?
My thoughts while comparing foreign policy remarks by an experienced stateswoman versus a bullshitting narcissist: The most vital presidential traits are not about public ceremonies and photo ops. They are…
Notes on Hillary Clinton’s AIPAC speech
Hillary Clinton showed her political skills and foreign policy chops in her AIPAC speech Monday. She mixed pandering to a key constituency (and let’s be honest, there certainly was some…
After 61 years, US Army vet kicked out for being gay gets honorable discharge
After 61 years, US Army vet kicked out for being gay gets honorable discharge @USArmy @DADT — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) February 2, 2016
The Republican presidential circus continues
Chris Wallace is not going to be bullied by Raphael, who is sinking fast, and Wallace sticks it to Jeb, who promises to dispense with legal niceties in our warmaking….