Public Safety

Orlando hospitals announce they won't charge Pulse nightclub massacre victims

Orlando hospitals announce they won't charge Pulse nightclub massacre victims — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) August 25, 2016

Man who burned gay couple with boiling water gets 40 years in prison

Man who burned gay couple with boiling water gets 40 years in prison — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) August 25, 2016 Justice is dealt in a horrific anti-gay attack.

The Past and Present of #NateParker

New @WashBlade – The Past and Present of #NateParker — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) August 24, 2016 My latest opinion piece has the tagline: “Rape, racial justice, and rehabilitation…

Congresswoman Norton battles interference in D.C. gun law

In wake of Orlando mass shooting, I was able to stop 3 DC gun riders. Only #DCStatehood will stop them permanently — Eleanor H. Norton (@EleanorNorton) August 18, 2016…

Flood destroys home of hate preacher who claims God sends floods to punish gay people

Flood destroys home of hate preacher who claims God sends disasters to punish gay people — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) August 18, 2016 I do not believe in…

Clinton meets with top police officers as Trump casts himself as "law and order" candidate

Clinton meets with top police officers as Trump casts himself as "law and order" candidate — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 18, 2016

DOJ criticizes Baltimore police treatment of trans people

My article on #DOJReport on #Baltimore #police interactions with #trans individuals @WashBlade — Steve Charing (@SteveCharing) August 17, 2016

D.C. Police chief Cathy Lanier stepping down for NFL security post

Breaking: D.C. Police chief stepping down for NFL security post — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 16, 2016 D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier’s departure comes after nearly ten years in…

Nancy Pelosi visits Pulse nightclub

Nancy Pelosi visits Pulse nightclub @WashBlade — DCHomos (@DCHomos) August 12, 2016

Trump suggests “2nd Amendment” solution to Hillary picking judges

Please explain to to me what this means other than encouragement of an assassination. He has sunk to a level we have never seen before in a major-party candidate.