March 29, 2016

Capehart: What Susan Sarandon said about Trump was out of this world

“Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he gets in…” said Susan Sarandon. — Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) March 29, 2016 Jonathan Capehart lets Susan Sarandon…

SCOTUS 4-4 decision hands public sector unions a victory

SCOTUS 4-4 decision hands public sector unions a victory — CNN (@CNN) March 29, 2016 A reminder that the Supreme Court is already more liberal even without a…

Happy birthday, Ernest Hopkins!

Happy birthday, Ernest Hopkins, one of the finest activists and persons I know. Many happy returns of the day. (Photo: Ernest Hopkins stands behind President Obama as he signs the…

Transgender Student Settles Locker Room Case With University Of Pittsburgh

Breaking: Transgender Student Settles Locker Room Case With University Of Pittsburgh – by @dominicholden — Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) March 29, 2016 Our friend Dana Beyer writes: Sensing they would…

Dear DC-haters: please do your homework before insulting us

@willsommer The writer is amazingly ill-informed. For one: why is it so hard to grasp that we pay federal taxes? — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

The unbearable whiteness of electoral politics

@nytopinion That sounds vaguely grotesque, but I get the point. — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

NC governor signs terrible law, then lies about it

@tlrd To do what he did and then lie about it is particularly despicable. He will soon learn a hard lesson. — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

Scary electoral prospects on both sides of the pond

@PeterTatchell Peter, if we Yanks can elect Donald, you our brethren across the pond can elect Boris. Scary, innit? — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

Worst Governor in America endorses Worst Senator in America

@TheDailyEdge I love Cruz's expression. It's like the time his daughter pulled away and it was caught on camera. — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

3 Big Cities Ban Travel to North Carolina

"3 Big Cities Ban Travel to #NorthCarolina" Yes, @BilldeBlasio @MayorEdMurray @mayoredlee! — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) March 28, 2016