LGBT advocates criticize nominee for Army secretary

(Photo of Mark E. Green by Erik Schelzig/Associated Press)

Helene Cooper and Maggie Haberman report at NYT:

A Tennessee state senator who has criticized federal attempts to bar discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in workplaces and businesses was nominated on Friday to be President Trump’s next secretary of the Army.

The selection of Mark E. Green, a former Army flight surgeon who served as a medic for a special operations team that captured Saddam Hussein, would be a sharp U-turn in civilian leadership of the Army. The last Army secretary, Eric Fanning, was the first openly gay man to hold that post.

Mr. Green’s nomination, which has been anticipated for weeks, had already drawn criticism from L.G.B.T. advocates even before Mr. Trump officially named him. On Tuesday, the American Military Partner Association, the largest organization of L.G.B.T. military families, accused Mr. Green of making “a shameful political career out of targeting L.G.B.T. people for discrimination.”

To go from Eric Fanning to Mark Green is too sickening for words. Day after day, week after week, the depredations continue. I wonder what Log Cabin’s excuse will be for this one.


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