Observations by Rick Rosendall
Capital Pride Community Dialog and Board Meeting
National City Christian Church
May 8, 2017
1. Dialog is a two-way street. It is not furthered by mining people’s online profiles for ammunition against them.
2. Our community’s diversity includes diversity of views.
3. Some of us have done intersectional work for years. It requires mutual respect.
4. I did not reject right-wing coercion only to embrace left-wing coercion.
5. Our movement is not static. Police involvement in Pride is a sign of progress.
6. The private sector has long led the public sector in LGBTQ protections. If you deny them due credit, few people will take you seriously.
7. We need to build bridges, not burn them.
8. No one has a monopoly on justice. We can work in different parts of the vineyard.
9. If you seek justice, behave with justice.
10. I thank the Capital Pride board members for their grace under fire.
Comments (2)
Strongly agree, so I hate to quibble. I’m waiting for objections to #8 for its clear Christianist reference 🙂
As for #6, I’m not sure one sector has been clearly better than the other, but certainly the progress with the private sector has not been exclusively by the merits of the corporate side, but with much admirable effort from the labor and consumer activist sides.
Richard Rosendall
I agree with your point on #6, having been a longtime union member myself, and a big fan of the Fair Labor Standards Act. On #8, while vines and vineyards have their place in Christian literature, there is nothing necessarily Christian about them. I appropriate it for my secular purposes in any case.