The following group letter was sent today:
Dear Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Todd:
The undersigned LGBTQ organizations urge the DC Council to increase funding for the Office of Human Rights and Office of LGBTQ Affairs. As outlined in GLAA’s attached testimonies, both offices play an important role in the lives of DC LGBTQ residents. Unfortunately, both are underfunded. Thus, we are seeking the following budget allocations be included in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget:
Office of Human Rights
- +$400,000 for 4-5 new FTEs (intake, investigators, and 1 new FTE to coordinate the hate crimes response team)
- +$100,000 for public outreach and education (staff and program costs)
Office of LGBTQ Affairs
- +$3 million for the creation of a competitive grant program focusing on health equity to support LGBTQ organizations and 1 new FTE to oversee the program
Additionally, we support creating a staff position at Veterans Affairs to support LGBTQ veterans and servicemembers in partnership with LGBTQ Affairs.
We believe these investments will strengthen legal protections and help to better address the needs of LGBTQ DC residents.
For any questions, please reach out to GLAA President Bobbi Strang at
Capital Pride Alliance
Capital Trans Pride
Casa Ruby
Collective Action for Safe Spaces
DC Center for the LGBT Community
Federal City Performing Arts Association
Gertrude Stein Democratic Club
LGBT Bar Association of DC
Mary’s House for Older Adults, Inc.
Rainbow Theater Project
Team DC
Us Helping Us, People Into Living, Inc.