DC Council

GLAA ratings ad for DC Council primary

GLAA primary ratings in the news

GLAA’s ratings of DC Council primary candidates have been in the news. Here are some links. The Winner of the Ward 2 Primary is Anyone’s Guess Mitch Ryals (Loose Lips),…

LGBTQ orgs urge increased funding for Human Rights and LGBTQ Affairs

The following group letter was sent today: 4/30/19 Dear Chairman Mendelson and Councilmember Todd: The undersigned LGBTQ organizations urge the DC Council to increase funding for the Office of Human…

GLAA urges Evans to step down as Finance and Revenue chair

For Immediate Release March 12, 2019 Contact: Bobbi Strang 410-422-9313 GLAA President Bobbi Strang issued the following statement: “It is painful to see a longtime ally accused of impropriety and…