Evans backs GLAA on HMO regulations
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GLAA responds to proposed HMO regulations 07/14/99

DC Human Rights Law

GLAA on Human Rights

Evans backs GLAA on HMO regulations


August 6, 1999

Lawrence Mirel
Acting Director
Department of Insurance and Securities Regulation
810 - 1st Street, NE, Suite 701
Washington, DC 20002

Dear Larry:

I am enclosing a letter from the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA) concerning the "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" published in the June 25, 1999 edition of the DC Register. The proposed rulemaking amends Title 26 (INsurance) of the DC Municipal Regulations to establish requirements, standards, and procedure for the formation and operation of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).

In their letter, the GLAA indicates the amendment omits "sexual orientation" as a protected class under "Prohibited Practices." The letter correctly points out that the DC Human Rights Act of 1977 (Title 1, Chapter 25 - Human Rights, DC Code) includes sexual orientation as a protected class.

I strongly recommend you consult Title 1, Chapter 25 of the Code before finalizing the language of the proposed rules. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jack Evans, Chair
Committee on Finance & Revenue

cc: Mayor Anthony Williams
Office of the Corporation Counsel
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

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